
HMS 7th Grade News 5/10 - 5/14

  Final Exams This Week Final Exams (also known as Interims) will be given building-wide this week. These assessments are created by teachers and will be completed in one class period, so we will follow our normal schedule throughout the week. See below for which test will be given on each day: Monday 5/10: ELA Tuesday 5/11: Math Wednesday 5/12: Science & 1st Connections Thursday 5/13: 2nd Connections Friday 5/14: Social Studies Credit Recovery All students still have the opportunity to turn in missing assignments from every quarter throughout this entire school year! If a student is not passing a class for the year at this point, families can contact their child's teacher(s) to learn more about credit recovery opportunities. As only students who are passing all of their core classes for the year (an overall grade of 70 or above) will be invited to participate in the Promotion Ceremony, please be sure to check Infinite Campus to ensure that your child is in good academic standi...

HMS 7th Grade News 4/19 - 4/23

  General News Milestones This Week! Georgia Milestone Testing will take place this week. Milestones EOG 4/19- ELA Day 1 4/20- ELA Day 2 4/21- Math 4/22- Regular Schedule 4/23- Regular Schedule Remember, only students whose families OPTED OUT of Milestones are excused from testing. All other students will be required to take their tests. What If My Student Opted Out of the Milestones? As Georgia Milestones testing will take place for several hours each morning, in-person students who have opted out of testing have a few options: Come to school as usual . Students on the opt-out list will be sent to an alternative location during testing and will be expected to work on academic assignments for the duration of testing. When testing is over, students will return to their classrooms and then attend their in-person classes for the rest of the day. Stay at home . Students may stay home and work asynchronously during testing, and then attend their classes via Zoom in the afternoon. (The...

HMS 7th grade blog: March 29 - April 2

  General News Schedule for This Week As we prepare to head into Spring Break and as teachers are due to receive their second shot of the Covid-19 vaccine, please note the schedule for this week: Monday: Regular day Tuesday: Regular day Wednesday: Virtual learning for all students, periods 6-7 asynchronous Thursday: Asynchronous for all students Friday: No school for students (teacher workday) F2F Reminders We had a great first week back for in-person learning this past week! Virtual learning will continue to be an an option offered for all all students. Please see below for more details about our reopening: Click here for Hilsman's School Website Click here to view the slideshow from Hilsman's Mid-Year Open House with info on safety precautions, dress code, schedules, etc. Click here to read details about the schedule for returning students to in-person learning CCSD Announces Return to In-Person Learning 5 Days a Week Earlier this week, CCSD announced that beginning the ...