HMS 7th Grade News 4/19 - 4/23


General News

Milestones This Week!
Georgia Milestone Testing will take place this week.

Milestones EOG
4/19- ELA Day 1
4/20- ELA Day 2
4/21- Math
4/22- Regular Schedule
4/23- Regular Schedule

Remember, only students whose families OPTED OUT of Milestones are excused from testing. All other students will be required to take their tests.

What If My Student Opted Out of the Milestones?
As Georgia Milestones testing will take place for several hours each morning, in-person students who have opted out of testing have a few options:
  • Come to school as usual. Students on the opt-out list will be sent to an alternative location during testing and will be expected to work on academic assignments for the duration of testing. When testing is over, students will return to their classrooms and then attend their in-person classes for the rest of the day.
  • Stay at home. Students may stay home and work asynchronously during testing, and then attend their classes via Zoom in the afternoon. (These students will still be marked absent because we need an accurate record of physical attendance in the building for safety reasons, contact tracing, etc.)
  • Stay at home during testing in the morning, and then check-in to school to attend their in-person classes in the afternoon. Students may stay home and work asynchronously during testing, and then come to school late so that they can still attend their normal in-person classes.
Virtual students who have opted out will remain virtual as usual -- they will be asynchronous during testing, and then will log into their Zoom classes in the afternoons.

Milestone Testing Bell Schedule
The bell schedule this week will be different due to testing, so read it carefully! CLICK HERE to see the class schedule for 7th graders for each day this week. Some notes:
  • Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will follow the same adjusted testing schedule.
  • Thursday and Friday will follow our normal schedule!

Rising 8th Grades interested in playing baseball next year:
-Interested in playing baseball next year? Did you know 8th-graders can play JV baseball at Cedar Shoals? Please 

-join Coach Josh Campbell for an informational meeting this upcoming Monday, April 19th at 6:30pm on zoom.

F2F Reminders
We have had a great first transition back for in-person learning! Virtual learning will continue to be an an option offered for all all students. Please note that F2F students can switch to Virtual at any time, however, such a switch would be for the remainder of the school year. Students who have chosen to remain Virtual cannot switch to F2F -- this is to preserve current class sizes and to allow us to run school operations as consistently and as safely as possible. See below for more details about our reopening:
  • Click here for Hilsman's School Website
  • Click here to view the slideshow from Hilsman's Mid-Year Open House with info on safety precautions, dress code, schedules, etc.
  • Click here to read details about the schedule for returning students to in-person learning

Important Upcoming Dates
Please be aware of the following upcoming dates and events. Note that this list will continue to be added to each week as more events are planned and scheduled, and also that some of these dates are subject to change:
  • 4/19-4/21: Milestone Testing
    • Monday 4/19: ELA Day 1
    • Tuesday 4/20: ELA Day 2
    • Wednesday 4/21: Math
  • 5/20: Last Day of School

21st Century Learning Program
The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center will resume face-to-face after school on Monday, April 19th. The morning mentor program will continue virtually from 7-8am. If parents are interested in their child/children participating, they should contact Mrs. Maxine Dalton at or Mrs. Brandi Holcomb at

Technology Repair Request Form
If students are having technology issues, please fill out this form. Mrs. Neace and Mrs. Gonzalez are working around the clock to address each request and help make sure everyone's devices are working properly!

How Can I Stay Updated?
  1. Check your email. Hilsman will use Campus Messenger to email parents/guardians all school-wide announcements. Follow these directions to sign up: 
  2. Sign up for the Hilsman PTO page for more frequent updates. Search Facebook for "Hilsman Middle School PTO, Athens GA"
  3. Check Google Classroom for class announcements.
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What's happening this week:

Click the links below to check out the plans for each subject! Each teacher in each subject will be covering the same material. 

How can I support my student?

You are the most important person in helping your student succeed, and we want you to partner with us so we can help students be as successful as possible.

  • Help your student establish a routine that includes a consistent bedtime wake up time. 

  • Help them establish a consistent place to work during class with a table/desk. 

  • Help your student find a consistent place for school materials so they always know where their materials are. Help them organize their materials and/or papers for each class.

  • Headphones will be very helpful if there is more than one student attending class.

7th Grade Faculty

Team A

Wood, Lauren


Ebron, Natasha


Cook, Barry (Wayne)


Archer, Morgan

Social Studies

Team B

Bell, Nyla

Social Studies

Bryant, Tammie


Blakey, John


Thompson, Natasha


Team C

Dalton, Maxine

Math / Science

Blake, Eric

ELA / Social Studies

Engelsen, Steve

Math EXC

Waters, James

Social Studies EXC

Holden, Edwina


Powell, Samantha



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