
Showing posts from March, 2017

Team Kani News: March 27-31, 2017

Energy Education Week! All week long students will be learning about energy!   Help us meet our 2016-2017 Energy Star Pledge Goal of 1000 pledges.  Here is a link to Hilsman's Energy Star Pledge Campaign: English/Language Arts News This week, we will continue reading our class novel,  A Long Walk to Water.  The students are enjoying learning about the history, challenges, and the resilience and spirit of of the Sudanese. Ask your child to talk with you about what all they have learned through our focused study on Africa thus far as well as have them explain what our wonderful novel we are reading is all about! I look forward to meeting with all of you later this week to discuss your child's progress and setting some goals for him/her to work on achieving this last 9 weeks of the school year! Science Monday ...

Team Kani News: March 20-24, 2017

Spring Parent Conferences:  March 22 & 23 Spring Parent Conferences will take place this week!   We are looking forward meeting with you.   Here is a link to the conference schedule:   Team Kani Spring Parent Conference Schedule English/Language Arts News This week, we will continue reading our class novel, A Long Walk to Water. The students are enjoying learning about the history, challenges, and the resilience and spirit of of the Sudanese. Ask your child to talk with you about what all they have learned through our focused study on Africa thus far as well as have them explain what our wonderful novel we are reading is all about! I look forward to meeting with all of you later this week to discuss your child's progress and setting some goals for him/her to work on achieving this last 9 weeks of the school year! Science Monday  = Camouflage  Tuesday = World Water Day Lesson Wednesday = Mimicry Thursday ...

Team Kani News: March 13-17, 2017

Nine Weeks #3 Ends on Tuesday, March 14 The 3rd Nine Weeks will end on Tuesday of this week.   Spring Parent Conferences:  March 22-24 Spring Parent Conferences will take place next week!  All Team Kani students received paper copies of the Spring Parent Conference Request Letter on Friday, February 25.  Please call or email your child's homeroom teacher if your conference has not been scheduled. Here is a link to the conferences that have been scheduled so far:   Team Kani Spring Parent Conference Schedule Saturday School - Milestone Prep Milestone Prep on Saturdays will begin on Saturday, March 18.  Space is limited to 45 students per grade level.  Enroll now to reserve a space.   Here is a link to the application and more information:   Milestone Prep - Saturday School Application English/Language Arts News This week, we will kick off the fourth - and final - 9 weeks of the school year! We will also begi...