Team Kani News: March 13-17, 2017

Nine Weeks #3 Ends on Tuesday, March 14

The 3rd Nine Weeks will end on Tuesday of this week.  

Spring Parent Conferences:  March 22-24

Spring Parent Conferences will take place next week!  All Team Kani students received paper copies of the Spring Parent Conference Request Letter on Friday, February 25.  Please call or email your child's homeroom teacher if your conference has not been scheduled.
Here is a link to the conferences that have been scheduled so far:  Team Kani Spring Parent Conference Schedule

Saturday School - Milestone Prep
Milestone Prep on Saturdays will begin on Saturday, March 18.  Space is limited to 45 students per grade level.  Enroll now to reserve a space.  
Here is a link to the application and more information:  Milestone Prep - Saturday School Application

English/Language Arts News
This week, we will kick off the fourth - and final - 9 weeks of the school year! We will also begin our next unit, Hero's Journey. During this unit, we will read an in-class novel with various tasks centered around the text and its concepts related to overcoming adversity, global awareness and citizenship, and taking action for the greater good. 

If your child has ANY missing work, it needs to be completed and turned in no later than Wednesday, March 15th. Final 3rd 9 week report card grades must be posted by teachers on Thursday, March 16th.

As always, please check Parent Portal to ensure that your child has all work turned in for his/her classes. If not, please assist him/her in getting all of the missing work submitted to the teacher. Your continued support in helping us to ensure your child's academic progress and success is highly appreciated!


Topics this Week:

Monday-Wednesday- Heredity & Genetics Review
Thursday - Heredity & Genetics Test (Unit 5)
Friday - Life Science Careers & Big 10 Quiz #28

Math News

And...We're Back! I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break. I caught up on some much needed time relaxing with friends at the beach. Now that we're back to reality, it's time to really buckle down to ensure we all finish the year strong. I'm confident that the 4th nine weeks of school will be the BEST!

In math specifically, we are jumping right back into our study of Geometry. Thus far in Unit 5, we have studied shapes, mainly triangles. Having said this, throughout the next week, we will begin to explore topics such as surface area and volume.

In terms of grades during the 3rd nine weeks, I have one more assignment to entered into the grade book. All grades will be updated and posted by Thursday.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Go Panthers!

Social Studies News

This week we will be continuing Unit 6 Asia History. Our focus this week will be over the rise of Communism in China and the rebuilding of post WWII Japan by the U.S. The 3rd 9 weeks graded period end the last week before spring break and we know have started the final 9 weeks grading period. Any grades taken from this point forward will be posted to the final 9 weeks grading period. The Asia coach book in the ABOUT section of google classroom can be a helpful study resource.  Thank you for your support!

SS7H3 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to the 21st century.

c. Explain the role of the United States in the rebuilding of Japan after WWII.

d. Describe the impact of Communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square.


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