
Showing posts from January, 2021

February 1st - February 5th, 2021

  General News COVID Update and the Schedule for Return CCSD is actively working with community partners to coordinate a staff vaccination effort. Teachers and school staff can begin to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as the state transitions to Phase 1B. The number of COVID cases in Athens-Clarke County (and neighboring counties), along with staff vaccinations, are important variables for determining the schedule and process for returning students to our buildings. The district is anticipating a return to in-person instruction using a phased-in approach beginning mid-February. Students will return in a hybrid model (1-2 days a week) by group (e.g., SPED adaptive, elementary, middle school, and high school). More details will be provided next week. Click here to read the full Weekly Update from CCSD. Credit Recovery Begins This Monday 2/1 Credit Recovery will begin Monday for students who failed one or more classes in Quarter 1 or Quarter 2. Students participating in Credit...

January 11th - January 15th, 2021

    General News CCSD to Remain All Virtual Due to the increasingly high number of COVID cases in Athens and the surrounding areas, the Clarke County School District announced earlier this week that the return to in-person learning will be postponed for all students K-12 to a later date. (Previously, K-8 students were scheduled to have the option of returning on January 19th.) While a specific date of a potential return has not been given, the district will be providing a further update the week of January 19th. Click here to read the letter from our Superintendent, Dr. Xernona Thomas, sent out to the CCSD community earlier this week. ( Spanish version ) Interim Tests This Week This week, students will be taking Interim Assessments in each of their classes. These tests, which will count towards students' overall grades, are cumulative and will cover material that students have been learning throughout Quarter 2. Interims will be taken on the following days: Monday 1/11: ELA ...