HMS 7th Grade News 4/19 - 4/23
General News Milestones This Week! Georgia Milestone Testing will take place this week. Milestones EOG 4/19- ELA Day 1 4/20- ELA Day 2 4/21- Math 4/22- Regular Schedule 4/23- Regular Schedule Remember, only students whose families OPTED OUT of Milestones are excused from testing. All other students will be required to take their tests. What If My Student Opted Out of the Milestones? As Georgia Milestones testing will take place for several hours each morning, in-person students who have opted out of testing have a few options: Come to school as usual . Students on the opt-out list will be sent to an alternative location during testing and will be expected to work on academic assignments for the duration of testing. When testing is over, students will return to their classrooms and then attend their in-person classes for the rest of the day. Stay at home . Students may stay home and work asynchronously during testing, and then attend their classes via Zoom in the afternoon. (The...