Team Kani News: August 24-28, 2015
Special Events This Week
Science & Energy Team MeetingWednesday, August 26 @ Hilsman Middle School in Room 214
Time: 4:00-5:00 pm
*Note: Membership applications are due on or before this meeting!
Title 1 Parent Meeting & Curriculum Night/Open House
Thursday, August 27 @ Hilsman Middle School
Title 1 Parent Meeting: 5:30 pm
Curriculum Night/Open House: 6:15 pm
Science News
Each week in Science class students are asked to complete a Maintenance Sheet that includes 20 questions as homework. The Maintenance Sheets are due on Friday.Students also take a weekly Big 10 Quiz every Friday. The Big 10 Quizzes are taken electronically on Edmodo. Students can access their Edmodo accounts from anywhere with an Internet connection. They can show you their score and review the quiz questions. Parents can also have an Edmodo parent account. Please ask your child for the parent access code to his or her account.
Our science classes will conduct experiments this year and we need donations of disposable gloves. We will go through many pairs this year. You are welcome to send them in anytime! We will conduct our first dissection during Unit 2.
Math News
This week in Math we continue our work in Unit 1 - Operations with Rational Numbers.
Monday: Developing the algorithm for subtracting rational numbers. Homework sheet given.
Tuesday: Developing the algorithm for subtracting rational numbers.
Wednesday: Bringing addition and subtraction together.
Thursday: Partner Check-Up Quiz
Friday: Multiplying Integers. Homework sheet due today.
Students took their first check up quiz last Thursday. Students who made a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit.
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