Team Kani News: December 14-18, 2015

Special Events This Week

Monday, December 14th - Band Concert 7 p.m.
Tuesday, December 15th - Science Fair 
Friday, December 18th - End of 2nd Marking Period 
                                      - Mrs. Baldwin's Homeroom Holiday Social
                                      - Mrs. Hughes's Homeroom Holiday Social

Math News

This week in Math we wrap up Unit 3 Expressions & Equations & begin Unit 4 Probability. 

Monday: Unit 3 Vocabulary Test. Review for Unit 3 Test. HW assigned (2 hrs of Waggle). 
Tuesday: Unit 3 Test. Unit 4 Unit readiness
Wednesday: Finding probabilities
Thursday: Finding More Probabilities
Friday: Finding Experimental Probabilities. Homework Due

Important Dates: 
Friday, December 18th - End of 2nd Marking Period

WAGGLE: Students are expected to complete at least 2 hours per week in order to get full credit for their weekly homework grade. Students who do not meet this requirement will be given a grade of 55. Students can make up that grade by doing additional time another week. Please encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes each night completing their assignments. 

Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments. Corrections can be done during homeroom, ELT, lunch or after-school. Students must have their homeroom, ELT or lunch teacher's permission. Arrangements for after school must be made in advance. Students are to be picked up by 5pm.  

Parents please check Campus regularly and monitor your child's grades and assignment completion. Assignments with a grade 55 and NHI in the comment box means that assignment was Not Handed In. Email me at baldwink@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns. 

Extra Credit
Students who reach 50% completion with a grade 70 or higher on MobyMax State Test Prep by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 5th will receive extra credit for the 2nd marking period. 

Science News

Monday = Mitosis & Meiosis + Unit Review
Tuesday = Unit 3 Test
Wednesday = Cell Model Projects Due
Thursday = Review for the Semester #1 Test
Friday = Semester #1 Test (All 3 Units)

Social Studies

Language Arts

We have been  reading from several sources on the origins of World War II, including the bombings of Pearl Harbor as well as those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  This week, we will complete a gradewide common assessment in the form of an argumentative essay on whether students believe the atomic bomb should have been dropped on Hiroshima.  Students are required to complete a graphic organizer that includes reasons both for and against use of the atom bomb, as well as provide citations from the readings.  The minimum requirement is four paragraphs.  For a look at the assignment and links to the articles read in class, see ELA Argumentative Essay, D. Jones  Our schedule for completion is as follow:
  • Monday:  complete graphic organizer
  • Tuesday:  gather citations and write draft
  • Wednesday:  complete draft, peer edit, and prepare final copy
  • Unless I make special arrangements with individuals, all work is done on the computers.
In addition, we are continuing to study sentence structure, specifically complete subjects and complete predicates.  Students are to complete daily starters in preparation for a weekly grammar quiz.  This week's starters may be located at  Jones Week 17 Starters.

Finally, parents, PLEASE check parent portal and see if your child has missing or incomplete assignments.  All my assignments are posted on Google Classroom.  If your child needs to complete makeup work, ask them to show you their Classroom account.  I am asking that any makeup work be emailed to me with a link to the assignment.  I would appreciate it if all work is completed by January 4 to allow sufficient time to grade late assignments and get them in Campus before the grading window closes.

Thank you for the privilege of teaching your child, and best wishes for a safe and happy Winter Break.
Dorothy Wylie Jones, ELA

Social Studies

This week in social studies we will continue with Unit 4 Asia Geography. This is one of our blended learning units and is very much student/self paced. It will be very important that students stay on top of their assignments. Friday is the end of the 2nd week grading period. All missing work will need to be turned end by Friday Dec. 18th. There are two tickets to be completed in class and both are summative grades. Social Studies Fair judging was completed on Monday and it was a great success. School wide we had over 80 projects submitted and two students from Team Kani advanced to the regional fair. There are no quizzes or tests this week. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holidays!


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