7th Grade News: May 6 & beyond, 2019
College and Career Shirt Day - Monday, May 13
Students and staff are encouraged to wear a college or career t-shirt. Students are allowed to wear jeans with their college/career shirt. No holes, rips, or tears in the jeans. Please make sure that the college or career is visible. Solid colors are not permitted. If you do not want to participate, please be in regular school uniform.
7th grade awards ceremony
Agriscience/FFA News
Panther Nation News Blog
Important Upcoming Dates for 7th graders
Math News
SP.4: USE measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to DRAW informal comparative inferences about two populations.
Science News
Social Studies News
7th Grade Faculty
7th grade awards ceremony
The school district will provided transportation during the school day to Cedar Shoals on May 14. The 7th grade awards ceremony will take place from 10am-11am. Students who will receive awards got an invitation last week.
All assignments due Wednesday, May 15
All assignments, missing work, or makeup work needs to be turned in by Wednesday, May 15 unless a teacher has given an earlier deadline.
All assignments, missing work, or makeup work needs to be turned in by Wednesday, May 15 unless a teacher has given an earlier deadline.
Last day is a half day!
Remember that Friday, May 17 is a half day and students will be dismissed at 12:30pm (this is earlier than dismissal during conferences).
Agriscience/FFA News
Monday- May 13 - Only the Leadership team should stay after school
FFA Banquet 6:00-7:00- All FFA members (even if you could not attend a meeting) will be recognized. Parents should attend and we will have dinner during the program. If you would like to bring a side or dessert we would be appreciative.
Monday- May 13
Ag Class Final Makeup Workday 7:45-8:10 or 4:00-4:30. If you have things to makeup and do not do so during this time you will not be able to attend the career fair.
FFA Banquet 6:00-7:00- All FFA members (even if you could not attend a meeting) will be recognized. Parents should attend and we will have dinner during the program. If you would like to bring a side or dessert we would be appreciative.
Monday- May 13
Ag Class Final Makeup Workday 7:45-8:10 or 4:00-4:30. If you have things to makeup and do not do so during this time you will not be able to attend the career fair.
Panther Nation News Blog
Be sure to check Ms. Tolbert's Panther Nation News Blog, as it contains news, announcements, and information for the entire school!
Important Upcoming Dates for 7th graders
Please be advised of the following important upcoming dates for 7th graders over the last quarter:
May 1 - High school science enrollment letter due (if you have questions, contact one of the science teachers or Malenie Maxey at maxeym@clarke.k12.ga.us)
May 14 - 7th grade awards ceremony (at Cedar Shoals High School, from 10-11am)
May 17 - Last Day of School / early dismissal
ELA News
Monday, May 6, 2019 to Friday, May 17, 2019: Students will be working on completing their folktales this week. Students will write an original folktale independently and/or with a partner and/or a small group (teacher choice).
ELAGSE7L1: Demonstrate the command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage. Choose among simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to signal differing relationships among ideas.
ELAGSE7RL2: Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
Math News
We are in Unit 5, which focuses on Geometry. Students will recognize, analyze, measure, and reason about the shapes and visual patterns that are important features of our world. Khan Academy is a good resource for students with internet access. Here is a link to a resource that may help family members help their scholar in this unit.
Homework will be given out on Monday 5/6 and will be due Friday 5/10.
Monday 5/6: Finish Unit 5 post-test
Tuesday 5/7: Civil Rights Museum Field trip
Wednesday 5/8: Mean, Median, Mode Review
Thursday 5/9: Field Day
Friday 5/10: Inner-quartile range, box and whisker plots
Related Math Standards:
SP.2: USE data from a random sample to DRAW inferences about a population with an unknown characteristic of interest. GENERATE multiple samples (or simulated samples) of the same size to GAUGE the variation in estimates or predictions.SP.4: USE measures of center and measures of variability for numerical data from random samples to DRAW informal comparative inferences about two populations.
Science News
Summative Assessments:
Final Exam = Wednesday, May 15.
Final Summative Project of the Year due by Monday, May 13.
Click Here to View the Assignment Directions: View Final Project Directions Here
Social Studies News
We are wrapping the the last few weeks by having students examine a variety of topics
Monday: Governments and Economies in Africa (packet due Wednesday, May 15)
Tuesday: Watch African folktales
Wednesday: Write a short folktale (separate from ELA folktale; for extra credit)
Thursday: Field day
Friday: International Idol (music videos from the several of the countries we have studied)
Monday: On the Way to School (trailer and review from Common Sense Media)
Tuesday: Awards day / finish Government and Economy packet / finish makeup work or folktale
Wednesday: Finish On the Way to School
Thursday: to be determined
Friday: Last day of school / early release at 12:30pm
Monday: On the Way to School (trailer and review from Common Sense Media)
Tuesday: Awards day / finish Government and Economy packet / finish makeup work or folktale
Wednesday: Finish On the Way to School
Thursday: to be determined
Friday: Last day of school / early release at 12:30pm
Spanish News
Spanish is working on the last unit of the year, La familia.
*Quiz every Friday with a make up opportunity the following Monday.
If you are missing any past Quiz since after Spring break, please let Mr. Scott know and you will have the opportunity to take it.
**Spanish 1 Placement exam May 8th district wide. This test will happen on every class period. Passing grades will be extra credit. Make up day on May 10th.
* Review for placement exam will be on May 1st and 2nd
4pm-5:30pm at Sra. Laura's room.
*Tutoring - Monday 4pm-5:30pm in Sra. Laura's room
*Tutoring - Tuesdays 4pm-5:30pm in Srta. Summer's room
7th Grade Faculty
Mark Aqui, aquima@clarke.k12.ga.us
Michael Barton, bartonm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Levita Benson, bensonl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Randy Garner, garnerr@clarke.k12.ga.us
Kong Heu, heukong@clarke.k12.ga.us
Julie Hubbard, hubbardj@clarke.k12.ga.us
Social Studies
Nick Hussain, hussainn@clarke.k12.ga.us
Rob Olin, olinr@clarke.k12.ga.us
Jim Page, pagej@clarke.k12.ga.us
Laura Viera, vieral@clarke.k12.ga.us
The online Spanish class was a disaster this year. I’m not sure if my daughter will even receive a passing grade. I am told the same by other parents of the students in her class. Spanish was her favorite subject last year and she learned a lot and received all A’s. This year, she learned nothing and had a teacher who can’t speak Spanish and couldn’t help her at all. The students were basically expected to teach themselves. I will not allow her to attend a class “taught” this way again. I am so disappointed in the way this class was conducted this year after the previous Spanish teacher left, who was fabulous by the way. My daughter has pleaded with Mr. Scott for help with learning and ways to bring her grade up. Her attempts fell on deaf ears. They were given a placement test that was written completely in Spanish and no one could read it. I would love to know if ANYONE passed that test. This class ruined her love of learning Spanish. It’s really a shame. Do better next year, HMS.