Team Kani News: February 16-19, 2016


All students on Team Kani received an information sheet from their homeroom teacher this week with parent and guardian contact information listed on it.  Please check this information.  If it is correct, sign the form and return it to the homeroom teacher.  If it is not correct, please make the necessary corrections and return it to the homeroom teacher.

Upcoming Events:

Benchmark Testing ends this week!

Make-up Tests are being given this week.

Math News

This week in Math we continue with Unit 5 Geometry

Monday: No School for Students 
Homework assigned (2 hrs. of Waggle)
Tuesday: Compost Containers
Wednesday: Check Up Quiz 
Thursday: Folding Paper 
Friday: Folding Paper. Homework Due

WAGGLE: Students are expected to complete at least 2 hours per week in order to get full credit for their weekly homework grade. Students who do not meet this requirement will be given a grade of 55. Students can make up that grade by doing additional time another week. Please encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes each night completing their assignments. 

Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments. Corrections can be done during homeroom, ELT, lunch or after-school. Students must have their homeroom, ELT or lunch teacher's permission. Arrangements for after school must be made in advance. Students are to be picked up by 5pm.  

Parents please check Campus regularly and monitor your child's grades and assignment completion. Assignments with a grade 55 and NHI in the comment box means that assignment was Not Handed In. Email me at baldwink@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns. 

Extra Credit
Students who reach 75% completion with a grade 70 or higher on MobyMax State Test Prep by 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 13th will receive extra credit for the 3rd marking period. 

Science News

Benchmark Score Reports
I have given students Benchmark Score Reports that show their scores in Science on both Benchmark Tests.  Please sign the Score Report Form so that I know that a parent or a guardian has reviewed the results with his or her student.  After I verify that a parent/guardian has reviewed the Score Report, I will return the Report to the student.  

Monday = President's Day - Holiday for Students 
Tuesday = Genetics & Heredity
Wednesday & Thursday = Frog Dissection Lab
Friday = Genetics & Heredity ***There will not be a Big 10 Quiz this week.

Trout Release Field Trip
Join us on April 6 for this field trip!  Turn in your field trip permission form and $31 payment by March 4.
Members of Trout Unlimited will accompany us to Blue Ridge Outdoor Education Center to release the trout and spend a day studying ecology in the North Georgia mountains. 
Parents are welcome on this trip; however, we are limited to 46 seats on the bus.  We are taking one bus.  We will depart at 7:00 am and return by 5:00 pm.  Lunch is included. 
Space for this trip is limited!  

Team Kani Parents 

are the Best!

Your support for Team Kani Science lessons and labs is appreciated.  Having supplies in our classroom makes Science more interesting.  

Supplies Needed for the Genetics Lab Next Week:
If you can donate supplies for this lab, these are the things we need:
Starburst candies, Skittles, and/or M&Ms.

Social Studies

This week in social studies will be continuing in Unit 6 Asia history.  The Unit 6 common assessment will be next Wednesday Feb. 24.  Study guides have been posted to Google classroom and will be due next Tuesday Feb. 23rd for a homework grade.  Students will take their second economics vocabulary quiz this Friday.  The words are linked below with the study guide.  Continuing to use the Asia coach book and other resources posted in google classroom to reinforce what we are doing in class will be very beneficial.  Thank you for your support!

English/Language Arts


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