
Showing posts from March, 2016

Team Kani News March 28-April 1, 2016

Parent Conference Thank You Thank you for attending Parent Conferences last week.  It was fantastic seeing all of you again.  We appreciate your partnership.  Let's finish the year strong with success in the classroom and on the Milestones Test. If you were unable to meet with us, please contact your child's homeroom teacher to set up a conference.   If You Think a Team Kani Teacher Deserves a Shout Out  from Dr. B. & Ms. Tolbert, complete the form below: Teacher Shout Out Form Science News for the Week Monday-Thursday = Evolution & Spiral Review for the Milestones Friday = Vocabulary & Big 10 Combo Test Week #30 Science:   View   March 28-April 1 Science Lessons Here Lab Supplies Needed on Thursday, April 7 : round sugar cookies, chocolate frosting, white frosting, sprinkles, jelly beans Math News for the Week This week in Math we continue Unit 6 Inferences - FINAL 7th Grade Unit!!!  Mon...

Team Kani News: March 21-25, 2016

Energy Education Week:  March 19-27 World Water Day:  Tuesday March 22 Parent Conferences Dates: Wednesday, March 23 - 1:30 - 6:00 pm Thursday, March 24 - 1:30-8:00 pm Location: Hilsman Middle School Rooms 213 & 214 *Each Team Kani student received a conference request form the Wednesday prior to  Spring Break.  If your child did not bring a conference request form home, please email his or her homeroom teacher. These are the conferences that have been scheduled:   Spring Parent Conference Schedule Want to Give a Shout Out to a Team Kani Teacher? If so, complete the form on the links below: Teacher of the Month Staff Member of the Month Math News This week in Math we continue Unit 6 Inferences - FINAL 7th Grade Unit!!!  Monday:  Using Inter-Quartile Range to Compare Samples.   Homework assigned (2 hrs. of Waggle) Tuesday: Asking about honesty  Wedne...

Team Kani News: March 14-19, 2016

Upcoming Events: HAPPY PI DAY!!!  - Monday, March 14th (3/14) End of 3rd Marking Period : Wednesday, March 16th  Please ensure that all missing assignments are turned in.  Parent Conferences Dates: Wednesday, March 23 - 1:30 - 6:00 pm Thursday, March 24 - 1:30-8:00 pm Location: Hilsman Middle School Rooms 213 & 214 *Each Team Kani student received a conference request form the Wednesday prior to  Spring Break.  If your child did not bring a conference request form home, please email his or her homeroom teacher. These are the conferences that have been scheduled:   Spring Parent Conference Schedule Want to Give a Shout Out to a Team Kani Teacher? If so, complete the form on the links below: Teacher of the Month Staff Member of the Month Math News This week in Math we begin Unit 6 Inferences - FINAL 7th Grade Unit!!!  Monday: Using Center & Spread   Homework assigne...