Team Kani News: March 21-25, 2016
Energy Education Week: March 19-27
World Water Day: Tuesday March 22
Parent Conferences
Wednesday, March 23 - 1:30 - 6:00 pm
Wednesday, March 23 - 1:30 - 6:00 pm
Thursday, March 24 - 1:30-8:00 pm
Hilsman Middle School Rooms 213 & 214
Hilsman Middle School Rooms 213 & 214
*Each Team Kani student received a conference request form the Wednesday prior to
Spring Break. If your child did not bring a conference request form home, please email his or her homeroom teacher.
These are the conferences that have been scheduled: Spring Parent Conference Schedule
These are the conferences that have been scheduled: Spring Parent Conference Schedule
Want to Give a Shout Out to a Team Kani Teacher?
If so, complete the form on the links below:
Math News
This week in Math we continue Unit 6 Inferences - FINAL 7th Grade Unit!!!
Monday: Using Inter-Quartile Range to Compare Samples. Homework assigned (2 hrs. of Waggle)
Tuesday: Asking about honesty
Wednesday: Selecting a sample
Thursday: Random Samples
Friday: Check-Up Quiz. SAP TIP Chart Due. Homework Due
WAGGLE: Students are expected to complete at least 2 hours per week in order to get full credit for their weekly homework grade. Students who do not meet this requirement will be given a grade of 55. Students can make up that grade by doing additional time another week. Please encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes each night completing their assignments.
Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments. Vocabulary tests can be re-taken during ELT. Corrections can be done during homeroom, ELT, lunch or after-school. Students must have their homeroom, ELT or lunch teacher's permission. Arrangements for after school must be made in advance. Students are to be picked up by 5pm.
Parents please check Campus regularly and monitor your child's grades and assignment completion. Assignments with a grade 55 and NHI in the comment box means that assignment was Not Handed In. Email me at baldwink@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns.
Extra Credit
Students who reach 100% completion with a grade 70 or higher on MobyMax State Test Prep by 4 p.m. on Friday, May 20th will receive extra credit for the 4th marking period.
Science News
Monday - Genetics Lesson
Tuesday - World Water Day Lesson
Wednesday - Genetics Lesson & Test Review
Thursday - Genetics Lesson & Test Review
Friday = Unit 5 Genetics Test
Click Here to View: Science Lessons Week #29: March 21-25
Social Studies
This week in social studies will be continuing in Unit 7 Africa geography. Our focus this week will be on African culture and ethnic groups. Due to parent conferences and early release we will not have a vocabulary quiz this week. However students will take their Unit 7 common assessment over Africa Geography on Friday. This will be their first summative grade of the 4th 9 weeks. The study guide is linked below and due Thursday afternoon. Continuing to use the Africa coach book and other resources posted in google classroom to reinforce what we are doing in class will be very beneficial. Thank you for your support!
Language Arts News
This story is one of the most popular texts I have ever taught; hardly anyone who reads the book doesn't like it. Ask your child to tell you what's happening each night. We start this wonderful adventure this week.
As an introduction to The Outsiders, students will complete an electronic investigation into the 1960s, from James Dean to James Brown. Please encourage your student to bring a CHARGED laptop every day.
Almost every assignment is posted on Google Classroom. Ask your child to show you his account for ELA.
Hope to see you at Parent Conferences this week!
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