Team Kani News April 5-8, 2016
In Loving Memory
Our very own Team Kani student, Kentavious Rowell, passed away unexpectedly due to injuries sustained in a car accident on Saturday, April 2nd. One of our beloved faculty members, Gilbert Wilson, an 8th grade teacher, colleague and friend passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, April 3rd after a brief illness. They will both be terribly missed. May they rest in peace.
Dates to Remember:
• April 19-29: Ga Milestones Testing
Dear Parents,
Important Testing Information for
Parents and Students
Dates to Remember:
• April 19-29: Ga Milestones Testing
Dear Parents,
Between the dates of April 19 and
29, all students at Hilsman Middle School will join other students
statewide in taking the Georgia Milestones Test. Although student mastery is
measured year-round by teachers, this test is a standardized measure for
students to demonstrate their mastery of core academic subjects through
established criteria set by Georgia Department of Education. The scores on
these tests effect each student in a number of critical ways, including:
• establishing individual student achievement levels
• assessing strengths and weaknesses of individuals and programs
• guiding us as we plan for overall school improvement
• for eighth graders, an additional measure used to determine promotion to high school
• for sixth and seventh graders, an additional measure used to determine promotion to the next grade
• assessing strengths and weaknesses of individuals and programs
• guiding us as we plan for overall school improvement
• for eighth graders, an additional measure used to determine promotion to high school
• for sixth and seventh graders, an additional measure used to determine promotion to the next grade
Click the link below for more information about the Georgia
Milestones Test.
Students are actively learning new skills daily that will help
them master the content on these exams. To support the learning that takes
place here at school, we have provided a number of resources that will allow
students to practice and improve these skills at home. Please take a moment to
look over the resources listed below and take some time to review each one with
your child and take advantage of the benefits each has to offer.
If you have questions about any of these resources, please contact
your child’s teacher.
Resources to help students prepare for Milestones Testing:
Official Milestones Study Guides provided by the State of
Click below for Milestones Study Guides
Moby Max - State Test Prep (Math, ELA & Science)
Standards-based practice where students play games while mastering tested standards.
Standards-based practice where students play games while mastering tested standards.
Username: clarke+Lunch
Password: Lunch Number
If You Think a Team Kani Teacher Deserves a Shout Out from Dr. B. & Ms. Tolbert, complete the form below:
Tuesday - Change Over Time
Wednesday - Trout Release Field Trip
Thursday - Biomes, Food Chain, & Food Web Review
Friday - Big 10 Quiz #31
Lab Supplies Needed on Thursday, April 14:
round sugar cookies, chocolate frosting, white frosting, sprinkles, jelly beans
(these items will be used for an edible Genetics Lab Activity)
Math News for the Week
This week in Math we wrap up Unit 6 Inferences - FINAL 7th Grade Unit!!!
Monday: No school for students.
Tuesday: Comparing Samples. Homework assigned (2 hrs. of Waggle)
Wednesday: Comparing samples/Unit 6 review/study guide
Thursday: Unit 6 review/study guide
Friday: Unit 6 Test. Homework Due
Monday, April 11th - Unit 6 Vocabulary Test. Please use the vocabulary TIP chart and Quizlet flash cards in google classroom to study for this test.
Monday, April 11th - Unit 6 Vocabulary Test. Please use the vocabulary TIP chart and Quizlet flash cards in google classroom to study for this test.
WAGGLE: Students are expected to complete at least 2 hours per week in order to get full credit for their weekly homework grade. Students who do not meet this requirement will be given a grade of 55. Students can make up that grade by doing additional time another week. Please encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes each night completing their assignments.
Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments. Vocabulary tests can be re-taken during ELT. Corrections can be done during homeroom, ELT, lunch or after-school. Students must have their homeroom, ELT or lunch teacher's permission. Arrangements for after school must be made in advance. Students are to be picked up by 5pm.
Parents please check Campus regularly and monitor your child's grades and assignment completion. Assignments with a grade 55 and NHI in the comment box means that assignment was Not Handed In. Email me at baldwink@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns.
Extra Credit
Students who reach 100% completion with a grade 70 or higher on MobyMax State Test Prep by 4 p.m. on Friday, May 20th will receive extra credit for the 4th marking period.
Social Studies News for the Week
English/Language Arts News for the Week
Progress reports go out next week! Students will receive a homework grade worth 10% of their grade for having their progress report or the envelope in which it is delivered signed. Please make sure your child gives you the progress report/envelope for signature.
This week, we are continuing to enjoy our reading of The Outsiders. Since the theme of the book is being "on the outside looking in" or feeling excluded from a group, this would be a great time for you to talk to your child about topics such as peer pressure and self esteem.
Especially during the final nine weeks, it is essential that your student stay caught up on assignments. There simply are fewer opportunities to complete makeup work. Please take advantage of Parent Portal to monitor grades!
Your child will have a weekly quiz every Friday on the material covered in the starters we do each day. THIS WILL BE THE MAJOR REVIEW OF GRAMMAR BEFORE THE MILESTONES! Please encourage him or her to listen carefully to instruction during that time and complete daily assignments in order to be successful on the quiz.
Email me at jonesd@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns.
Especially during the final nine weeks, it is essential that your student stay caught up on assignments. There simply are fewer opportunities to complete makeup work. Please take advantage of Parent Portal to monitor grades!
Your child will have a weekly quiz every Friday on the material covered in the starters we do each day. THIS WILL BE THE MAJOR REVIEW OF GRAMMAR BEFORE THE MILESTONES! Please encourage him or her to listen carefully to instruction during that time and complete daily assignments in order to be successful on the quiz.
Email me at jonesd@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns.
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