Team Kani News: January 30-February 3, 2017

Mid-Term Progress Reports

Mid-Term Progress Reports will be sent home on Tuesday of next week.

English/Language Arts News
This week, we will begin focusing on Benchmark II review. We will review and practice test taking strategies, reading comprehension, grammar skills, literary techniques, and writing skills. 

There are still some students who have not turned in their WWII writing project; this includes a Progress Guide (the research notes document), a Prewrite (four square document), a rough draft, and a 5 paragraph final draft. We have dedicated more than 3 weeks on this project in class, so if your child has not turned in each component of the project, please help him/her to get this work in ASAP to receive grades. The 5 paragraph final draft counts as a test grade, which is currently counting as 60% of the entire class grade. We will have two more test grades to spread this weight out before the end of the 9 weeks; however, right now, this is heavily weighted in the overall grade which will be reflected on Friday's Progress Report. 

Please continue to check Parent Portal for updates on your child's progress in the class, and encourage him/her to turn in all assignments on time. Your support in helping us to ensure your child's academic progress and success is appreciated!

Topics this Week:
Monday & Tuesday - Unit 4 MYP Task:  Cell Analogy Project (this will be completed in class)
Wednesday - Review for Unit 4 Cell Test
Thursday - Unit 4 Cell Test
Friday - Buffer & ZAP Day:  work on missing or incomplete work & get it turned in

Our Science Class has a student teacher, Ms. Hoag.  As a part of her student teaching experience, she is required to videotape several lessons that she teaches for the Georgia Professional Standards Commission to review.  She plans to videotape a lesson during 2nd, 4th, and 7th Periods.  Students in the 2nd, 4th, and 7th Period Science classes will need to return the linked edTPA form by February 1.   edTPA Form (English)    edTPA Form(Spanish) 

Serenity & Raquel won 1st Place Honors at the Regional Science Fair.  They will compete in the State Science Fair!  
Mich won a special award from the American Chemical Society and placed 2nd at the Regional Science Fair!
Great Job Team Kani Science Students!

Math News

This week in math, we will continue our Unit 4 study of Probability. Last week, we introduced and explored probability by flipping coins and cups. Throughout the next week, we will continue to use different mathematical "experiments" to enhance our learning. Students seem to be excited during our interactive lessons. I encourage you to ask your student about our "Cup Flipping Experiment."

On Wednesday, students will have a "Check-Up" Quiz over our Unit 4 investigations. This quiz grade will not be applied to the progress report sent home on Friday.

Please continue to check Parent Portal for the latest updates concerning missing assignments and grades. I will be entering A LOT of grades into our grade book this week in order for progress reports to be an accurate representation of each students' work so far this nine weeks. 

Progress Reports: I am sure a lot of parents will be concerned upon seeing a low math grade on their student's progress report. Having said this, it is my firm belief that this low grade does not accurately represent each students' mathematical ability. In some cases, students with high mathematical abilities simply aren't performing well on quizzes and tests. A few extra minutes of studying each night will help. In other, more serious cases, students simply aren't doing any work. I encourage you to have a discussion with your respective student about their math grade and have them set a goal for where they would like to end the 3rd nine weeks. I have already had a conversation with each class in the hopes of students beginning to take more pride in their classwork, behavior, and overall studies. 

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Go Panthers!

Social Studies News

This week is our last week of Unit 4 Asia Geography.  We will be closing the unit out covering Shintoism and Confucianism The Unit 4 common assessment will be given next Monday for a summative grade. Study guides were shared with students last Thursday and will be due this Thursday. They will not be accepted late because I will be giving the answers right after they are due. The study guide is linked below. This content over Asia religions is foreign to most students and can be quite complex and difficult to understand. To master these standards it is very important students read and complete all assignments and study outside of school. Also some students have not turned in their Asia Environment Ticket which was due three weeks ago. Total this ticket accounts for four grades and it is essential that all students get it turned in. Failure to do so will greatly impact their grade on progress reports that are about to go out. The Asia coach book in the ABOUT section of google classroom can be a helpful study resource.  Thank you for your support!

Unit 4: Asia Geography Study Guide

SS7G12 The student will analyze the diverse cultures of the people who live in Southern and Eastern Asia.
a. Explain the differences between an ethnic group and a religious group.

b. Compare and contrast the prominent religions in Southern and Eastern Asia: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism and the philosophy of Confucianism.


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