Team Kani News: May 8-19, 2017

Team Kani is Busy!

Here is a link to the End of Year Schedule of Events:  7th Grade End of Year Events

Team Kani End of Year Breakfast

Please complete the form linked here:  Team Kani Breakfast Survey

English/Language Arts News
As school begins to quickly wind down for the year, we will finish the year learning about the Maori culture in the South Pacific. After watching video clips of the Maori and their traditions and way of life, students will have a choice of creating their own Maori mythological story, writing a poem or song, or performing a Maorian dance. 

As we are now just 10 days from the end of the school year, please look over your child's grades to ensure there are no missing assignments. Our deadline for posting final report card grades is next week. Please help us to ensure your child ends the 4th 9 weeks with the strongest class grade possible! Now is a great time to talk with your child about the importance of completing all work and turning it in. After Progress Reports, we only have a mere 4 1/2 weeks left in the final quarter of this school year...let's work together to help our students finish the 7th grade year STRONG and SUCCESSFUL!  


May 8 - Review for Final Exam
May 9 - Final Exam
May 10 - Field Day
May 11 & 12 - MYP Task
May 15 & 16 - Air Quality Project
May 17 & 18 - Frog Dissection

Notebook Check #4 - turn in by May 10:
Notebook Contents to date for Notebook Check #4:  CLICK HERE TO VIEW 

Classroom Fish Need a Home
The classroom goldfish and guppies need a new home.  If you are willing to adopt classroom fish and meet these requirements, please send bring a note from a parent and the fish will be sent home with you.
Goldfish - all 3 adoptees shall stay together - adoptive family shall provide a freshwater habitat for the 3 goldfish
Guppies - the adoptive family shall provide a tropical freshwater habitat for a variety of age, size, and gender guppies (there are about 20 guppies in the classroom tank now)

Math News

We're almost done! Wow, it has been quite the year. As we approach the end of the school year and get ready to jump into summer break, there are a few things left to do in math. While our overall content standards have been completely covered at this point, learning will not stop. Students will be engaging in numerous activities during the last two weeks of school. Our main focus in math this week we be completing a project. This project will count as students' final test grade. Students will conduct research on Monday, create a Google Slides presentation on Tuesday and finally present their project on Thursday and Friday! The overall requirements for this project are very basic. I have asked students to pick a topic that interests them (i.e. basketball, cooking, music, video games, etc) and research how math is involved in their respective topic. Historically, this is an assignment that students are very excited to complete as it revolves around something that interests them. I would ask that you help your child by inquiring about their presentation and potentially even have them practice presenting to you. Thank you for your continued support. We can do it...let's finish the school year strong!!!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Go Panthers!

Social Studies News

This week we will be continuing with Unit 7 Africa Geography. Our main focus this week will be education, famine, and disease through out Africa. We are now in the last 9 weeks of the school year and it is important for students to remain focused and continue to turn in all assignments. Some grades were adversely affected during the 3rd 9 weeks due to incomplete assignments. The Africa physical map and biomes map quiz will be given next Monday. The Asia coach book in the ABOUT section of google classroom can be a helpful study resource.  Thank you for your support!


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