7th Grade News: October 8-12, 2018

Happy Fall!  Time to make plans to Trick or Treat for UNICEF!

General news: Parent-Teacher Conferences

Conferences are next week on Wednesday-Friday, October 17-19. You should get information from your student's homeroom teacher very soon to schedule your conference. We hope to see every parent/guardian next week!

General news: Community Health Night

ELA News

Monday, October 8: Reading "The Zoo" by Edward T. Hooch
Tuesday, October 9: Reading "The Last Dog" by Katharine Peterson:
Wednesday, October 10: Reading "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"
Thursday, October 11: Watch "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street"
Friday, October 12: Watch "The Twilight Zone: The Eclipse"

Students in Mrs. Bevis's class will continue revising their short stories as they study literary elements in fiction. All hand outs and instructions for Mrs. Bevis's classes are also available on Class Dojo

***Students must read 20-30 minutes each night.
ELAGSE7W3:Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events
using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
ELASGSE7RL3: Analyze how particular elements of a story interact.
ELAGSE7L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar
and usage when writing or speaking.
ELAGSE7SL1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions.

Math News
The next unit in your child's mathematics class this year is Stretching and Shrinking: Understanding Similarity. Its focus is geometry. It teaches students to understand and use the idea of similarity. In this unit, students will find relationships among figures that have been stretched or shrunk. They will analyze the resulting changes in properties of the figures, such as area and perimeter. Similarity will also be used to find the heights of real objects (such as buildings and flagpoles).

Homework is given on Monday, due on Friday
Monday: What does it mean for figures to be similar?
Tuesday: How does Scale Factor affect the measurements of a new figure?
Wednesday: How do equivalent ratios describe scaled copies of shapes?
Thursday: How do I use a table to determine proportional relationships?
Friday: How do I use a table to find the constant of proportionality?

Science News

Food Web & Biome Project:  Grassland
Monday-Thursday = Food Chains, Food Webs, & Energy Flow Within Ecosystems 
Friday = Big 10 Quiz #10

2nd 9 Weeks Project:
Food Web & Biome Projects are due by Friday, October 19
Instructions can be viewed here:  Food Web & Biome Project Instructions

Science Fair:
Students that are interested in participating in the Science Fair should see Mrs. Fassbender or Mrs. Maxey for information and guidance.  Mrs. Fassbender and Mrs. Maxey are our school's gifted collaborators.  Any student can participate in the Science Fair.

Science classes desperately need donations of disposable gloves.  Each time we conduct a lab that requires gloves, we need 270 pairs of gloves!  If you can donate gloves, please send them in to either Mrs. Dalton or Ms. Hughes

Social Studies News

Students are finishing their study of the modern history in the Middle East. They have focused on how land and religion have been major sources of conflict in the region over the last 100 years. This week they will examine the issues of the war in Afghanistan, terrorism, and the refugees created by the Syrian civil war.

They have a study guide due on Wednesday, and they need your help to finish it! They need to study at least three different ways, and we are asking you to verify at least one of those ways. See the linked study guide for more specifics.

Important dates: 
Thursday, October 4 - students received a study guide for the next test
Wednesday, October 10 - study guide due in class (it needs at least one parent/guardian signature!)
Friday, October 12 - Unit 2 test

Spanish News

7th grade Spanish 
We are in unit 3 La escuela (the school) 
Introduction to vocabulary about school supplies, ordinal numbers and classes 
Review nouns and articles 
Introduction to grammar concepts such as to have and to need verbs.  
Mini project My backpack.

Modern Language Standards: 
MLC.P2B Demonstrate comprehension of rehearsed material.
MLC.INT1A Identify the main ideas and some details when reading and listening.
MLC.IP2C Demonstrate Novice-Low proficiency in oral and written exchanges.

7th Grade Faculty

Michael Barton, bartonm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Levita Benson, bensonl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Randy Garner, garnerr@clarke.k12.ga.us

Julie Hubbard, hubbardj@clarke.k12.ga.us
Kaitlyn Bevis, bevisk@clarke.k12.ga.us

Maxine Dalton, daltonm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Audrey Hughes, hughesa@clarke.k12.ga.us
Quinnesha Turner, turnerq@clarke.k12.ga.us

Social Studies

Marcus Mundy, mundym@clarke.k12.ga.us
Summer Willingham, willinghams@clarke.k12.ga.us


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