7th Grade News: August 19-22, 2019

General 7th grade information

It's MOVING TIME! No school on August 23 and 26!

Have you seen the new school? Someone called it the Taj Ma"hil" and then someone else called it the Panther Palace. Do you have another good name for it? Have your student stop by and tell Mr. Hussain your creative name during homeroom on Monday for a signature on their yellow page! 

We can't want to have students begin attending on August 27. That's NEXT WEEK!  Remember there is no school for students this Friday 8/23 and next Monday 8/26 so teachers can move. All classes will resume on Tuesday 8/27 at the new Hilsman. Look at last week's post for some photos of the interior.

We need more teachers!

We are so close to being fully staffed, and we hope you can help. We are still hiring a few special education teachers and we need your help to get the word out! 7th grade science and 7th grade social studies studies both need a special education teacher, who would teach and plan with the general education teachers.

Agenda Spotlight: Discipline Pages

Have you seen your student's agenda? If not, ask them to see it! Look at the white discipline pages after the yellow PAWS pages. If students are not meeting class or school expectations, they might get a signature on these white pages. Usually they are receiving one or more warnings before receiving a signature. Each signature is also accompanied by a call home.

The first signature during a quarter is a warning. The second signature results in the student spending one day in another grade level while doing the work from their regular classes. The third signature results in an after school detention with a teacher from 4-4:30pm (on either a Tuesday or Thursday). The fourth signature results in an after school detention with an administrator from 4-4:45pm. The fifth signature results in a Saturday detention from 8am-12pm. The sixth and more signatures result in an office referral. Have questions about the discipline plan? Send us an email and let us know so we can answer them!

MAP Testing: Continues this week

Students began MAP testing last Thursday in ELT (3rd period). Students are taking the Reading (Mon-Tues) and Math (Wed-Thurs) assessments this week. Students who score 10+ points higher than their spring score on Language or Reading will be able to visit the new building this week on Thursday morning. If they score 10+ points higher on both, they will also earn 10 stamps in their agenda on their yellow PAWS pages. If they score 10+ points higher on Math will earn 10 stamps also.

The MAP Growth assessments are used to accurately schedule ELT classes, to help students set academic goals, and to monitor students' progress throughout the year. Here are the answers to 12 Common Questions Parents ask about the MAP Growth Assessment.

Hilsman Sports

Cross Country practices began last week. Here is the schedule. Email Ms. Seymour (seymoure@clarke.k12.ga.us) with any questions.
C Team Football is practicing. Email Mr. Watkins (watkinsra@clarke.k12.ga.us) with any questions.
Volleyball tryouts were last week. Email Mr. Watkins with any questions.

Spread the word about this blog!

We realized last year that many of our parents were not aware of this blog despite our best efforts to promote it all year. If you are talking to a Hilsman parent, be sure they know about this excellent source of information! We'll update it weekly so you know what to expect all year.

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If you want to get this automatically delivered via email, sign up in the top left cover of this webpage. You'll get the Hilsman 7th grade news automatically delivered to your inbox each week!

Content news

ELA News

This week will be reviewing theme and point of view for students. We will be reading the story "Thirteen and a Half" as our focus text for the week. Be on the lookout for our study guide for our first Unit Post Test. The test will be on August 30th! For more information, check out our lesson plans

Math News

We will still be working in Unit 1. 
Monday and Tuesday: Students will be learning how to predict whether the result of addition of two numbers will be positive, negative, or zero.
Wednesday and Thursday: Students will be learning how to use a chip model or number line to determine an algorithm for subtraction.

Want more information? Here are the lesson plans for 7th grade mathHomework will be given out on Monday 8/19 and will be due Thursday 8/22.

Accelerated Math: Students will use a spinner to investigate probability. Students confront some possible misconceptions about the relationship between angle measure and probability situations involving spinners. Students will also be introduced to an area model for analyzing probabilities with two-stage outcomes.

Science News

Science Lesson Plans are linked here:  Science Lesson Plans
The Science Lesson Presentation for Students is linked here:  Science Week #3

Overview of the Week in Science Class:
  • Monday - Wednesday = Aquatic Biomes & Communities
  • Thursday = Big 10 Quiz Week #3
*Students need a composition book in class every day!

Social Studies News

**Students took their first quiz last week. Please be checking Parent Portal to help our students stay on top of their grades.

Students are continuing to learn about the Middle East, focusing on the environmental issues--mainly water scarcity--of the region this week. 

Wednesday, August 21: Map quiz on the countries in the Middle East

Thursday, August 22: Vocabulary assignment due

Want more information about what students will be doing this week? Check out the lesson plans for 7th grade social studies!

7th Grade Faculty


Mr. Mark Aqui, aquima@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Levita Benson, bensonl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Wayne Cook, cookba@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Cameron Hawkins, hawkinsc2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Tyron Scott, scottt@clarke.k12.ga.us


Mrs. Tammie Bryant, bryantt@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Kasey Solis, solisk2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Lauren Wood, woodl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Barry Bozarth, bozarthb@clarke.k12.ga.us


Mrs. Maxine Dalton, daltonm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Audrey Hughes, hughesa@clarke.k12.ga.us

Social Studies

Mr. Nick Hussain, hussainn@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Stan Stewart, stewarts2@clarke.k12.ga.us


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