
Showing posts from September, 2019

7th Grade News: September 30-October 4, 2019

General 7th grade information Last week of 1st quarter This is the last week of the 1st quarter. This means students have to submit any missing or makeup work by Friday since teachers will have to submit final grades. Parents/guardians will receive their student's report card at conferences (see below for more info). If you have questions or concerns about your student's grade, contact their teachers. A contact list is below. HilFest is THIS SATURDAY Don't forget that the first Hilfest at our new building will be on Saturday, October 5th from 10:00am-1:00pm. We look forward to seeing everyone there!  Community Health Night 2019 @ the Hilsman Healthcare Center The doctor is in at Hilsman and Gaines! All students and staff at Gaines Elementary will soon have easy access to sick visits, well visits, immunizations, dental services, counseling services, and more.  The Hilsman Healthcare Center, located behind the gym, will have its grand opening on October ...

7th Grade News: September 23-27, 2019

General 7th grade information Monday Sept 23, 2019- College or Career T-Shirt Day All students and staff are encouraged to wear a college or career-t-shirt and uniform bottoms (no stamps/signature required.) The college or career MUST be visible on the shirt as solid colors are not permitted. If you do not wish to participate, please be in regular school uniform.  Upcoming events Save these dates on your calendar. More info will be available about each of these events as their date approaches. October 5 - Hilfest, from 10am-1pm October 8 - Grand opening of the  School-Based Health Clinic at Hilsman (located in the gym between Hilsman and Gaines) October 11 - Fall picture day Hilsman Sports Cross Country boys won their meet last week. Congratulations!  Here is their schedule . Email Ms. Seymour ( with any questions. C Team Football is practicing. Email Mr. Watkins ( with any questions. Vol...

7th Grade News: September 16-20, 2019

General 7th grade information Quarter 1 Progress reports Students received progress reports for the first quarter. Please sign the envelope and send it back to your student's homeroom teacher. If you have any questions about grades, please contact your student's teachers. Their email addresses are at the bottom of this blog update.  These progress grades are an indicator of how your student is doing academically in their 7th grade classes. There are 4 weeks left in the grading period before grades are finalized for report cards. Teacher workday this Friday, September 20 Remember that students don't have school this Friday, September 20. Enjoy the long weekend!   Upcoming events Save these dates on your calendar. More info will be available about each of these events as their date approaches. October 5 - Hilfest, from 10am-1pm October 8 - Grand opening of the  School-Based Health Clinic at Hilsman (located in the gym between Hilsman and Gaines) ...

7th Grade News: September 9-13, 2019

General 7th grade information Congratulations on perfect attendance! These students were present every day for the first 4 weeks of school. One lucky student with perfect attendance even won a tablet! It is important for students to be present every period, every day. We need 3 more teachers! We are so close to being fully staffed, and we hope you can help. We are still hiring a few special education teachers and we need your help to get the word out! 7th grade science, math, and social studies studies all need a special education teacher, who would teach and plan with the general education teachers. If you know someone who might be interested in joining the Hilsman family, let them know we need them! Cedar Blueprints story about Hilsman Cedar Shoals HS journalism students create the Blueprints magazine and show. The latest episode features the new Hilsman. Check it their story! 21st Century After School Program 21st Century Classes began last week. A parent or a guard...