7th Grade News: September 16-20, 2019

General 7th grade information

Quarter 1 Progress reports

Students received progress reports for the first quarter. Please sign the envelope and send it back to your student's homeroom teacher. If you have any questions about grades, please contact your student's teachers. Their email addresses are at the bottom of this blog update. 

These progress grades are an indicator of how your student is doing academically in their 7th grade classes. There are 4 weeks left in the grading period before grades are finalized for report cards.

Teacher workday this Friday, September 20

Remember that students don't have school this Friday, September 20. Enjoy the long weekend! 

Upcoming events

Save these dates on your calendar. More info will be available about each of these events as their date approaches.

  • October 5 - Hilfest, from 10am-1pm
  • October 8 - Grand opening of the School-Based Health Clinic at Hilsman (located in the gym between Hilsman and Gaines)
  • October 11 - Fall picture day

Hilsman Sports

  • Cedar Shoals Swim Team: For any 7th or 8th grade student interested in joining, there will be a parent meeting on September 9th at 5pm in Room D207 at Cedar Shoals High School.  8th Graders can officially participate in competition and practice as JV, and 7th graders can participate in practices. Any questions? Email Head Coach Melissa Basel, baselm@clarke.k12.ga.us, or see Mr. Barnett at Hilsman in Room 226 (barnettm3@clarke.k12.ga.us).
  • Cross Country had their first meet last week. Here is their schedule. Email Ms. Seymour (seymoure@clarke.k12.ga.us) with any questions.
  • C Team Football is practicing. Email Mr. Watkins (watkinsra@clarke.k12.ga.us) with any questions.
  • Volleyball games take place on Tuesdays (usually). Email Mr. Watkins with any questions.
  • Girls Soccer Opportunity: This fall, Athens United will be holding practices for all players interested in playing soccer. The practices will be held at Whit Davis Elementary. The focus of the training sessions will be enhancing athletes' technical and tactical skills. Fall practice is open to all players enrolled in Clarke County Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. We hope players attend as many practices as possible. The cost for the entire season is $50 for elementary, and $100 for middle and high schoolers. This is an excellent opportunity to receive some great coaching and practice, especially for girls not already playing organized soccer. For more information, please email Coach West (the Cedar Shoals girls' soccer coach) at westj@clarke.k12.ga.us, or see Mr. Naughton in Room 502 at Hilsman for a flyer with more info.

Content news

ELA News

Students have started their Writing Workshop unit, and they are on their way to becoming published authors! Next week, we are working on coming up with our first story idea, creating realistic scenes and characters, and creating a story arc of our first story! Be sure to check out your student's writing journal if they have it to see what story they are creating! 

Math News

Next week 7th grade math will finish investigation 3 {what we've been working on in class this week}. Investigation 3 is focused on multiplication and division of rational numbers.  The later half of the week will be spent confirming and continuing practice with the order of operations and integers

Accelerated Math: Students will explore various geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on creating triangles from three measures of angles and/or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle.

Want more information? Here are the lesson plans for 7th grade math. Homework will be given out on Tuesday 9/3 and will be due Friday 9/6.

Science News

Science Lesson Plans are linked here:  Science Lesson Plans

Overview of the Week in Science Class:

  • Monday-Thursday = Dichotomous & Taxonomic Keys
*Students need a composition book in class every day!

Hughes Students: Notebook Check #1 was on Thursday, September 5 for Class Periods 6 & 7 & on Friday, September 6 for Class Periods 2 & 4. View the Notebook Check Table of Contents here: Notebook Check #1 Table of Contents

Social Studies News

Students have a test on Tuesday over the material for the first unit. Every student has a copy of the unit 1 study guide, which was due last Friday.

Beginning on Wednesday, students will begin to learn about the origins of the modern conflicts in the Middle East, beginning with the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Want more information about what students will be doing this week? Check out the lesson plans for 7th grade social studies!

Connections news

Band News

The Cedar Shoals High School Band invites all 7th grade band students to join them for the home football game between Cedar Shoals and Clarke Central High School on October 4, 2019.  If your student is interested, please complete and return the permission slip sent home with your student on Thursday.  

7th Grade Faculty


Mr. Mark Aqui, aquima@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Levita Benson, bensonl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Wayne Cook, cookba@clarke.k12.ga.us
]Mr. Tyron Scott, scottt@clarke.k12.ga.us


Mrs. Tammie Bryant, bryantt@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Kasey Solis, solisk2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Lauren Wood, woodl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Barry Bozarth, bozarthb@clarke.k12.ga.us


Mrs. Maxine Dalton, daltonm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Audrey Hughes, hughesa@clarke.k12.ga.us

Social Studies

Mr. Nick Hussain, hussainn@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Stan Stewart, stewarts2@clarke.k12.ga.us


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