7th Grade News: October 14-17, 2019
General 7th grade information
Parent Conferences - October 16-17
Reminder: There is a NEW schedule for conferences this year! On Wednesday, October 17, students will be dismissed early at 1:30pm and teachers will hold conferences until 8pm. On Thursday, October 18, students are off all day and teachers will hold conferences from 8am-8pm*. There is no school for students or teachers on Friday, October 18.
If you have not already scheduled your conference, please contact your student's homeroom teacher. We look forward to seeing every parent this week!
If you have not already scheduled your conference, please contact your student's homeroom teacher. We look forward to seeing every parent this week!
Upcoming events
Save these dates on your calendar. More info will be available about each of these events as their date approaches.
- October 14-18 - No Afternoon 21st Century Programming
- October 16-17 - Parent Conferences
Content news
ELA News
Students are approaching the end of their Writing Workshop unit, and they are on their way to becoming published authors! Next week, we are working on grounding dialogue and description to create realistic scenes and characters. We will also take a look at how to end our stories by showing the moral to the story and tying up loose ends. Be sure to talk to your student or check out your student's writing journal to see what story they are creating!
Math News
Math: Students will work with a review of the Investigations that they made this past week. The students will continue to work with similar figures and scale factors. Tuesday we will work with the concept of the ratios of adjacent side lengths in rectangles and what that tells us. Wednesday, being a half day, will be used for a small review assessment of Unit 1, specifically, integer concepts.
Accelerated Math: This week students will measure the diameters and circumferences of several circles, organize their data in a table, and look for patterns. The main objective of the lessons is to have students discover a pattern relating the circumference of a circle to its diameter or radius.
Want more information? Here are the lesson plans for 7th grade math.
Accelerated Math: This week students will measure the diameters and circumferences of several circles, organize their data in a table, and look for patterns. The main objective of the lessons is to have students discover a pattern relating the circumference of a circle to its diameter or radius.
Science News
Science Lesson Plans are linked here: Science Lesson PlansOverview of the Week in Science Class:
- Monday = Food Chains & Food Webs
- Tuesday = Energy Flow in Ecosystems
- Wednesday = Energy Flow in Ecosystems
*Students need a composition book in class every day!
Social Studies News
Students are almost finish learning about the modern conflicts in the Middle East. The unit 2 test will be next week (see important dates below).Monday - Terrorism and 9/11
Tuesday - Recent conflict in the Middle East
Wednesday - Reflective writing on the news
Thursday - no school
Friday - no school
Want more information about what students will be doing this week? Check out the lesson plans for 7th grade social studies!
Upcoming dates:
Tuesday, October 15 - Students will get a study guide for the unit 2 test
Tuesday, October 22 - Study guide due (requires at least 1 parent/guardian signature)
Thursday, October 24 - Unit 2 test
Connections news
Band Concert - October 14
The first band concert of the year will take place on Monday, October 14th at 6:30pm in the Hilsman gym. Band students are required to attend and need to arrive by 6:10 in their concert uniform (khaki pants and the black band polo or a plain black polo). The concert will last for approximately 45 minutes and students are expected to stay for the entire concert. Come see our students perform!
7th Grade Faculty
Mr. Mark Aqui, aquima@clarke.k12.ga.usMs. Levita Benson, bensonl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Wayne Cook, cookba@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Tyron Scott, scottt@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Tammie Bryant, bryantt@clarke.k12.ga.usMrs. Kasey Solis, solisk2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Lauren Wood, woodl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Barry Bozarth, bozarthb@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Maxine Dalton, daltonm@clarke.k12.ga.usMs. Audrey Hughes, hughesa@clarke.k12.ga.us
Social Studies
Mr. Nick Hussain, hussainn@clarke.k12.ga.usMr. Stan Stewart, stewarts2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Dr. Jim Waters, watersj@clarke.k12.ga.us
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