7th Grade News: December 21-January 5, 2020

Winter Break Has Begun!

Students will begin Winter Break on December 21 and return to school on January 6.  We hope you and your family enjoy the season!

Congratulations Science Fair Winners!

The following students will advance to the CCSD Science Fair Competition on January 11 at Hilsman Middle School:
Nate Dotts, Ryan Xiao, Spencer Waldroup, Lily Hefner, Xavier Stokes, 
Alyssa Weiszer, Ava Jansen, Tonari Addison, & Kamariya Hull

Hilsman Health Center is now open!

The Hilsman Health Center is now officially open! In order for students to be served, they need to have a parent/guardian fill out a consent form and return it to Nurse Caitlyn. Once the form is returned, we can schedule an appointment. If students have their consent form signed (and on file) and we get verbal permission, our nurses can walk students to the Health Center while they're at school if it's for urgent care (fever, asthma visit, etc.). Otherwise, it operates like a regular doctor's office! They currently do not have a phone number (they're working on it!), but appointments can still be made through the Athens Neighborhood Health Center. They are also taking walk-in visits for the time being! 

Have any questions? Send Nurse Caitlyn an email at kurishc@clarke.k12.ga.us.

News from the AVID Coordinator

Academic Class News

ELA News

ELA Lesson Plans are linked here: ELA Lesson Plans, Quarter 2
This week, students will be continuing the unit on the novel, The Outsider, by S.E. Hinton with a focus on cause/effect and citing textual evidence.  Our Language Standards this week will review parts of speech and revising sentences. 
Overview of the Week in ELA:
Monday: Chapter 5 Wrap-Up
Tuesday: Chapter 6 (Close-reading for Cause and Effect)
Wednesday: Grammar Stations
Thursday: Chapter 7/8 (Close-Reading for Cause and Effect)
Friday: Analyzing Randy as a Character and Greasers vs. Socs activity 

Math News

Upon return from the break students will explore variability as it relates to sample data and statistics. They select random samples of 30 from a population of 100, and they analyze the samples to help them draw conclusions about the population.

This week students will be administered the Unit Test on their final 7th grade unit, “Inferences.” The completion of this unit means we are getting ready to start our 8th grade curriculum. We will begin the 8thh grade curriculum study with an introduction to Exponents and Expressions.
Our lesson plan can be found here.

Science News

Science Lesson Plans are linked here:  Science Lesson Plans, Quarter 2
Overview of the Week in Science Class:
  • Monday = Cell Overview
  • Tuesday = Cell Organelles
  • Wednesday = Cell Organelles
  • Thursday = Cell Organelles
  • Friday = Big 10 Quiz #20

Social Studies News

This week in Social Studies we will be finished up Southeast Asia Geography and looking at Environmental concerns. Test Re-take for Unit 3 will be on Tuesday, 12/10. Students must sign-up, complete test corrections and get this form signed."

Want more information about what students will be doing this week? Check out the lesson plans for 7th grade social studies!

Connections News

Family and Consumer Science
Seventh grade Family and Consumer Science students will spend the first two days of the week completing their Unit 2 Summative projects, demonstrating their understanding of ethical clothing care and purchase decisions. Wednesday will mark the beginning of our final unit; we will spend some time examining child development stages and milestones prior to entering into the last week of the semester.

Orchestra News


Physical Education News

7th Grade Faculty


Mr. Mark Aqui, aquima@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Levita Benson, bensonl@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Wayne Cook, cookba@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Tyron Scott, scottt@clarke.k12.ga.us


Mrs. Tammie Bryant, bryantt@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Kasey Solis, solisk2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Lauren Wood, woodl@clarke.k12.ga.us


Mrs. Maxine Dalton, daltonm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Kaylee Hardigree
Mr. Barry Bozarth, bozarthb@clarke.k12.ga.us

Social Studies

Mr. Nick Hussain, hussainn@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Stan Stewart, stewarts2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Dr. Jim Waters, watersj@clarke.k12.ga.us


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