Team Kani News: Aug 31 - Sept 4, 2015

Math News

This week in Math we continue our work in Unit 1 - Operations with Rational Numbers. 

Monday: Developing the algorithm for multiplying rational numbers. Homework sheet given. 
Tuesday: Developing the algorithm for dividing rational numbers. Progress reports sent. 
Wednesday: The multiplication and division relationship. Progress reports due with parent signature for a homework grade.
Thursday: Check-Up Quiz & Math Reflections 
Friday: Order of Operations. Homework sheet due today. ATN Investigation 2 Math Reflections in google classroom due today. 

Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments. 

Science News

This Week's Lessons:

Monday - Wednesday:  Aquatic Biomes
Thursday:  Biome Unit Review - Turn in Biome Projects (mini-books & slideshows)
Friday:  Biome Unit Test

Lab Needs This Month:

  • Disposable Gloves for the Owl Pellet Dissection Lab
  • Paper Towels

Social Studies
Our first weekly vocabulary quiz over our first 10 geography words will be this Friday.  The words have been shared with students in Google Classroom since Monday.  Many great resources have been shared with students in Google Drive and Classroom and can be assessed offline.  The Middle East coachbook and the 7th grade social studies glossary are two of them.  Students should be spending about 20 minutes a night studying their maps and reading over their notes or in the coachbook for practice.

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