Team Kani News: September 14-18, 2015
Special Events This Week
Monday 14th - Signature envelope due to homeroom teacher - Please sign and date the envelope and have your child turn it in to his/her homeroom teacher.
Science News
Lesson Content This Week:
Monday & Tuesday - Classification of Living Things
Wednesday & Thursday - Using Dichotomous Keys
Friday - Review & Big 10 Quiz #6
Owl Pellet Dissection Lab 2014 |
Weekly Presentation Link: Science Week #6: September 14-18
Lab Needs:
Later this month, we will dissect owl pellets. Donations of disposable gloves and paper towels are needed. Also, I just posted a Donors Choose Project for funds to purchase a new body systems model and butterfly life cycle observation kit. If you are interested in contributing, this link provides more details: Life Science is Alive Donors Choose Project
ELA News
This week we will continue our look at science fiction, this time using Ray Bradbury's story "There Will Come Soft Rains" as a springboard for discussions of global responsibility, as well as the literary elements of sensory details, personification, and irony. The "Work Session" document, spanning several days' instruction, will count as a test grade. Please encourage your child to pay attention and write complete answers. Links to this document, as well as audio and text versions of the story, appear below.
Parents of students in advanced ELA: students were given the assignment to memorize a speech (14 lines minimum) from Taming of the Shrew. Ask your student to practice with you! ASSIGNMENT IS DUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. A link to the play is provided; this version offers both a "modernized" text as well as the original. Students are to learn Shakespeare's words.
Sadly, many students had missing assignments before progress reports were sent home September 11. Since computer issues were part of the problem, I am holding a CREDIT RECOVERY SESSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, UNTIL 5:00 p.m. Please email me at if you would like your child to attend and get caught up. I must have a written note or email letting me know your preferences. Students must be picked up promptly at 5:00.
Math News
This week in Math we begin Unit 2 Ratios & Proportional Relationships. All daily presentations are posted in google classroom.
Monday: Introduction to similarity. Homework sheet assigned. Unit 2 readiness due today.
Tuesday: Similarity of corresponding sides and angles
Wednesday: Scale factors
Thursday: Scale Factors and Similar Shapes
Friday: Ratios of side lengths. Homework sheet due today. SAS Math Reflection due.
Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments.
This week in social studies we will be finishing Unit 1 and taking the Unit 1 Common Assessment on Friday. This will be the students' first summative grade and will have a huge impact on their grade for the 1st 9 week report cards. A study guide was shared with them at the beginning of the week and will be due Thursday for a homework grade. It is very important that students complete this study guide and look it over. Their Unit 1 Folder is also due on Friday and this is also a great resource for completing the study guide along with the Middle East Coach book I have shared with them in Google Classroom. We will not take a vocabulary quiz this week due to the Unit 1 test. Last week many students did not take advantage of completing the TIP Chart to improve their grade on the first vocabulary test. I hope to see more students take advantage of this opportunity this week. Important weekly links are below. Thank you for your support!
Unit 1 Study Guide - Middle East Geography
Unit 1 Folder Table of Contents
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