
Showing posts from October, 2015

Team Kani News: October 26-30, 2015

      Special Events  This Week Benchmark Assessments This week we will begin our Fall administration of our district's benchmarks. Benchmarks will be administered in ELA, Science, Social Studies and Math. Please ensure that your child is present and on time at school with fully charged devices on the following dates: ELA: October 27th Science: October 28th Make Ups: October 29th (ELA & Science) Social Studies: November 4th Math: November 5th Make Ups: November 6th (Social Studies & Math) Red Ribbon Week Team Kani! This is the time each year when schools across the nation plan activities that promote alcohol and drug awareness and prevention. For more information, visit . MONDAY: District RED OUT Day. Wear a red shirt in support of Red Ribbon Week. The Advisement lesson will be about Red Ribbon Week. TUESDAY: Sock it to drugs and wear crazy socks ! Sign the Red Ribbon Week Pledg...

Team Kani News: October 19-23, 2015

      Special Events This Week Conference Wrap-Up   It was great to see so many of you at parent conferences last week!  Your support is truly invaluable in helping your child succeed.  If you were not able to attend, a request to  reschedule went home Friday, October 16, on pink paper.  Please select a time when we can complete this important meeting. BioEnergy Day & State Botanical Gardens  Field Trip This Week! On Wednesday the 21st, we are bound for the State Botanical Gardens for Experience UGA's BioEnergy Day event.  It is essential that your child turn in a permission form that indicates contact numbers and medical information in case of an emergency.  YOUR CHILD MUST HAVE A PERMISSION SLIP ON FILE TO ATTEND.  Check with homeroom teachers to see if a new one needs to go home.  The slips must be at school by Tuesday afternoon.  If your child has not turned in a slip, it is not possible to requ...

Team Kani News: October 12-16, 2015

      Team Kani News:  October 12-16 Special Events This Week - Parent Conferences Early Release at 1:30 Wednesday through Friday for parent conferences.  If you have not scheduled a parent conference for your child please contact his/her homeroom teacher as soon as possible.  Math News This week in Math we continue Unit 2 Ratios & Proportional Relationships. All daily presentations are posted in google classroom.  Monday: 25% Completion on MobyMax due for Q1 extra credit due. No School for students    Tuesday: Proportions with percents .  Homework assigned (2 hrs of Waggle).    Wednesday: Proportions with percents .   Thursday: Proportions with percents.  Friday: Measurement conversions .  Homework due. WAGGLE: Beginning this quarter students will be given practice assignments on Waggle. Students are expected to complete at least 2 hours per week in order to get full c...

Team Kani News: October 5-9, 2015

Team Kani News:  October 5-9 Science News Topics this Week : Monday-Wednesday:  Symbiosis = Commensalism, Mutualism, Parasitism Thursday:  Unit 2 Review Friday:  Unit 2 Test & Trick or Treat for UNICEF Project Introducion Weekly Presentation Link Here:   Week #9: Life Science Field Trip Permission Forms for the BioEnergy Day Field Trip are due ASAP!  If your child lost his or her form, here is a digital copy of the form that you can print and return to school:   BioEnergy Day Field Trip Permission Form Lab Needs for the Week of October 12th :   Please donate a small bag of gummy bears for an osmosis and diffusion experiment. Social Studies News This week in social studies will be completing Unit 2 Middle East Government and Economics.  On Friday we will take the Unit 2 Common Assessment so there will not be a vocabulary quiz this Friday.  This will be the last summative grade of the first 9 ...