Team Kani News: October 19-23, 2015
Special Events This Week
Conference Wrap-Up
It was great to see so many of you at parent conferences last week! Your support is truly invaluable in helping your child succeed. If you were not able to attend, a request to reschedule went home Friday, October 16, on pink paper. Please select a time when we can complete this important meeting.BioEnergy Day & State Botanical Gardens Field Trip This Week!
On Wednesday the 21st, we are bound for the State Botanical Gardens for Experience UGA's BioEnergy Day event. It is essential that your child turn in a permission form that indicates contact numbers and medical information in case of an emergency. YOUR CHILD MUST HAVE A PERMISSION SLIP ON FILE TO ATTEND. Check with homeroom teachers to see if a new one needs to go home. The slips must be at school by Tuesday afternoon. If your child has not turned in a slip, it is not possible to request a vegetarian lunch at this time. Students need to wear old shoes that are closed toe. We will be walking the nature trails before the BioEnergy Day booth rotations. Students may also wear their red Team Kani T-shirt with uniform pants. Students who did not purchase a t-shirt are required to be in school uniform. The Field Trip Permission Form is linked here: Click here for the FT Form
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Please remember to bring orange shirts, socks, ties or accessories to wear with your khakis on October 21st for Unity Day. Students must wear their uniform or team t-shirt to school for the field trip and will be allowed to change into their orange shirts when we return to the school.
21st Century Open Saturday Session
Math News
This week in Math we continue Unit 2 Ratios & Proportional Relationships. All daily presentations are posted in google classroom.
Monday: Measurement conversions. Homework assigned (2 hrs of Waggle).
Tuesday: Connecting ratios, rates, percents & proportions.
Wednesday: Bio Energy Field Trip. Unit 2 Study Guide assigned in google classroom. Due Monday.
Thursday: Unit 2 Review
Friday: Unit 2 Review. Homework due.
WAGGLE: Beginning this quarter students will be given practice assignments on Waggle. Students are expected to complete at least 2 hours per week in order to get full credit for their weekly homework grade. Please encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes each night completing their assignments.
WAGGLE: Beginning this quarter students will be given practice assignments on Waggle. Students are expected to complete at least 2 hours per week in order to get full credit for their weekly homework grade. Please encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes each night completing their assignments.
Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments. Corrections can be done during homeroom, ELT, lunch or after-school. Students must have their homeroom, ELT or lunch teacher's permission. Arrangements for after school must be made in advance. Students are to be picked up by 5pm.
Parents please check Campus regularly and monitor your child's grades and assignment completion. Assignments with a grade 55 and NHI in the comment box means that assignment was Not Handed In. Email me at for questions, comments and concerns.
Important Dates
Monday, October 26th - Study Guide due.
Monday, October 26th - Unit 2 Vocabulary Test
Monday, October 26th - Unit 2 Vocabulary Test
Tuesday, October 27th - Unit 2 Test
Thursday, November 5th - Math Benchmark Assessment
Extra Credit
Students who reach 50% completion with a grade 70 or higher on MobyMax State Test Prep by 5 p.m. on Monday, January 4th will receive extra credit for the 2nd marking period. Science News
Monday & Tuesday = Unit 1 IB/MYP Task
Wednesday = BioEnergy Day & State Botanical Gardens Field Trip
Thursday = BioEnergy Day & State Botanical Gardens Field Trip Reflective Writing
Friday = Big 10 Quiz #11 + Unit 1 IB/MYP Task or Reflective Writing Presentations
Unit 2 Notebook Checks:
5th & 6th Periods = Thursday, October 22
2nd & 4th Periods = Friday, October 23
Notebook Check Item List Here: Unit 2 NB Table of Contents List
Language Arts News
Many of you expressed concerns over Google Classroom's ability to turn in assignments; I believe that beast is tamed. All the starters I graded Friday the 15th arrived without a glitch. To alleviate any concerns about Google Classroom, I have directed students to send me a link to their documents via email as a back-up.
Here's what is happening in ELA.
- Daily starters practice vocabulary and grammar standards.
- Starters are due every Friday.
- Every Friday there will be a quiz to assess mastery of the standards.
- We are continuing our mystery/horror unit. Children who find the short videos hard to watch will be given alternate, written assignments.
- ADVANCED students will be required to memorize 14 lines from either Tennyson's poem "Ulysses" OR Romeo and Juliet. The date has not been announced; links to both texts may be reached at "Ulysses" and Romeo and Juliet. I will be happy to help students select the lines that speak to them.
ALL WORK IS ASSIGNED THROUGH GOOGLE CLASSROOM with links to texts, graphic organizers, and any other resource needed to complete each task. Just ask your child to show you his/her account to take a look at what we are doing. This is also an easy way to make up what a child missed when absent or to complete missing assignments.
Parents, PLEASE continue to check the portal at least every two weeks. My procedure for missing work is to check "M" in Campus. Missing work averages as a zero until corrected. While I am more than willing to work with your child to ensure the best grade possible, some students were turning in work from the first week of school on the last day of the quarter. That not only puts an unfair burden on me to grade mammoth amounts of work at the last minute, it does not prepare your child for the work world, when deadlines are inflexible.
Email me at for questions, comments and concerns.
Social Studies
This week in social studies will continue with Unit 3 which is Middle East history. Our focus will be on the Jewish connection to Israel and the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Students will be taking notes and creating timelines over these events. Students will resume their weekly vocabulary quiz this Friday over Geography List 5 which is linked below. The notes from google classroom and the Middle East coach book are great resources to practice with and reinforce what we are doing at home. Thank you for your support!
Geography Vocabulary List 5
Social Studies
This week in social studies will continue with Unit 3 which is Middle East history. Our focus will be on the Jewish connection to Israel and the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Students will be taking notes and creating timelines over these events. Students will resume their weekly vocabulary quiz this Friday over Geography List 5 which is linked below. The notes from google classroom and the Middle East coach book are great resources to practice with and reinforce what we are doing at home. Thank you for your support!
Geography Vocabulary List 5
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