Team Kani News: November 30-December 4

Special Events This Week

Homeroom Classes Need Supplies
Each Team Kani Homeroom is in need of: Kleenex, hand sanitizer, and cleaning wipes.  
If you can contribute anything, please do.  
Thank you in advance for your help keeping our classrooms clean!

Trash Hunger All Year!
To make a difference, save aluminum cans and bring them to school on Thursdays. Every Hilsman student and staff member is challenged to recycle 50 aluminum cans.  Let’s create a mountain of metal at Hilsman!  The money earned from the cans will be donated to the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia.  

Science News

Monday & Tuesday = Cell Organelle Structure & Function in Animal, Bacterial, & Plant Cells
Wednesday & Thursday = Gummy Bear Lab
Friday = UGA Plant Pathology Department Guest Instructors & Big 10 Quiz #16
Daily Lessons for Week #16 are linked here:  WEEK #16 SCIENCE LESSONS
Cell Model Project due by Wednesday, December 16:  Cell Model Project Instructions

Math News

This week in Math we continue Unit 3 Expressions & Equations. 

Monday: Solving Equations. Take home quiz due today. HW assigned (2 hrs of Waggle). 
Tuesday: Exploring Equality.   
Wednesday: Writing Equations.
Thursday: GRASP Assessment/Vocabulary TIP CHART/Waggle
Friday: Solving Linear Equations. Vocabulary TIP CHART due. Homework Due

WAGGLE: Students are expected to complete at least 2 hours per week in order to get full credit for their weekly homework grade. Students who do not meet this requirement will be given a grade of 55. Students can make up that grade by doing additional time another week. Please encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes each night completing their assignments. 

Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments. Corrections can be done during homeroom, ELT, lunch or after-school. Students must have their homeroom, ELT or lunch teacher's permission. Arrangements for after school must be made in advance. Students are to be picked up by 5pm.  

Parents please check Campus regularly and monitor your child's grades and assignment completion. Assignments with a grade 55 and NHI in the comment box means that assignment was Not Handed In. Email me at baldwink@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns. 

Extra Credit
Students who reach 50% completion with a grade 70 or higher on MobyMax State Test Prep by 5 p.m. on Monday, January 4th will receive extra credit for the 2nd marking period. 

Social Studies

This week in social studies we will continue with Unit 4 Asia Geography. This is one of our blended learning units and is very much student/self paced. It will be very important that students stay on top of their assignments. Students will take a political map quiz on Thursday over the Asia countries that students started mapping out before the break. Thank you for your support.

Asia Map Quiz

Language Arts


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