Team Kani News: May 9-13, 2016
Kentavious...Always a Panther |
In Loving Memory
The Team Kani teachers have ordered blue wristbands for every Team Kani student to remember Kentavious. As soon as those arrive, we will give them to the students.
Special Thanks!
A great big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to a burial marker for Kentavious's burial plot. The money was delivered to Southview Cemetary and we were also able to give Ms Rowell a Mother's Day love offering, she is extremely appreciative.
A great big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to a burial marker for Kentavious's burial plot. The money was delivered to Southview Cemetary and we were also able to give Ms Rowell a Mother's Day love offering, she is extremely appreciative.
Important Dates
Tuesday, May 10th - Team Kani Device Turn-In
Wednesday, May 11th - Team Kani Field Trip to Zoo Atlanta
Thursday, May 12th - 7th grade field day
Thursday, May 19th - 7th grade honors assembly
Friday, May 20th - Team Kani Breakfast and Last Day of School (1/2)!!!
Team Kani Field Trip to Atlanta Zoo
Team Kani will visit Zoo Atlanta on Wednesday, May 11th. Please send in your child's permission form and $15 CASH payment by tomorrow May 10th. Students are expected to adhere to the CCSD student code of conduct, stay with and listen to their assigned chaperones and represent Hilsman and CCSD well. Students not able to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner may receive a discipline referral. Students are required to wear school uniform on the field trip. Sneakers preferred due to the amount of walking we will be doing. If students choose to get a lunch while at the Zoo, they must bring money for lunch. To learn more about Zoo Atlanta, visit this link:
Zoo Atlanta Dining Options:
The Wild Planet Café
Located in the Grand Patio, Wild Planet is a heated/air-conditioned café.
Located in the Grand Patio, Wild Planet is a heated/air-conditioned café.
Wild Planet's menu features all-natural, free-range, hormone-free chicken tenders and grilled chicken and all-natural, nitrate-free hot dogs. Other items include pizza, burgers and salads.
Flamingo Joe’s
Check out Flamingo Joe’s in Flamingo Plaza for Zoo classics like frozen treats, pretzels, beverages and more.
Check out Flamingo Joe’s in Flamingo Plaza for Zoo classics like frozen treats, pretzels, beverages and more.
Willie B's
Choose spicy or regular chicken tenders, pepperoni or cheese pizza and soft drinks. Located near the entrance to The Ford African Rain Forest.
Choose spicy or regular chicken tenders, pepperoni or cheese pizza and soft drinks. Located near the entrance to The Ford African Rain Forest.
The Grill Shack
Custom burgers and hot dogs.
Custom burgers and hot dogs.
Otterly Cool
Otterly Cool is now the proud home of Mayfield Ice Cream. Beverages, popcorn and cotton candy also for sale at this location.
Otterly Cool is now the proud home of Mayfield Ice Cream. Beverages, popcorn and cotton candy also for sale at this location.
Field Day 2016
7th Grade field day will be held on Thursday, May 12th. Team Kani will use their red team t-shirts for field day. If your child does not have a team t-shirt please wear a plain red t-shirt for field day.
Bring: bottled water, sports drinks, snacks, sunscreen, & a towel to sit on.
Bring: bottled water, sports drinks, snacks, sunscreen, & a towel to sit on.
Monday - Thursday = Biodiversity & Conservation
*Wednesday = Zoo Atlanta Field Trip
*Wednesday = Zoo Atlanta Field Trip
Friday = Big 10 Quiz for Weeks 34-36
Math News for the Week
This week we are continuing to practice 7th grade math skills and review math facts in preparation for the GRASP assessment on Wednesday.
Monday: MobyMax, Waggle and Corrections
Tuesday: Review/Preview, Corrections
Wednesday: Field Trip to Zoo Atlanta
Thursday: Field Day
Friday: Review/Preview,Corrections
WAGGLE: Due to students having to turn in their devices the WAGGLE homework requirement is waived for the remainder of the marking period. Prior to turning in devices students should have completed 6 hours for this marking period. Students who did not meet this requirement were given a grade of 55. Students can make up that grade by doing additional time at home on their own devices or during school hours on their CCSD device. If your child has access to a device at home please encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes each night practicing on WAGGLE.
Students who make a grade below 100% are expected to correct their wrong answers and re-submit for partial credit for all assignments except vocabulary tests and some on-line assessments. Vocabulary tests can be re-taken during ELT. Corrections can be done during homeroom, ELT, lunch or after-school. Students must have their homeroom, ELT or lunch teacher's permission. Arrangements for after school must be made in advance. Students are to be picked up by 5pm.
Parents please check Campus regularly and monitor your child's grades and assignment completion. Assignments with a grade 55 and NHI in the comment box means that assignment was Not Handed In. Email me at baldwink@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns.
Extra Credit
Students who reach 100% completion with a grade 70 or higher on MobyMax State Test Prep by 4 p.m. on Friday, May 20th will receive extra credit for the 4th marking period.
Social Studies News for the Week
We will be watching the movie "Gandhi" this week and students have a question and answer packet that goes along with the movie that I will take at the end of the week for a test grade. Thank you for your support!
English/Language Arts News for the Week
Students will receive a homework grade worth 10% of their final average for having their progress report signed. Please make sure your child gives you the progress report for signature. Students also received a list of missing assignments and their current average on Friday, April 29. If you no longer have your child's progress report, signing the missing work document also can count towards that homework grade. An "X" means an assignment either was not done or recceived a failing grade. All work is accessible in your student's Google Classroom account.
Especially during the final nine weeks, it is essential that your student stay caught up on assignments. There simply are fewer opportunities to complete makeup work. Please take advantage of Parent Portal to monitor grades.
Your child will have a weekly quiz every Friday on the material covered in the starters we do each day. Please encourage him or her to listen carefully to instruction during that time and complete daily assignments in order to be successful on the quiz and improve his/her final average.
We took a very long break from The Outsiders to review for the Milestones test. Since LAPTOPS WILL BE TAKEN UP MAY 11, our classes will complete a unit on Mythology (which requires internet access) before continuing our reading of The Outsiders. Check your child's Google Classroom file for mythology assignments
Email me at jonesd@clarke. for questions, comments and concerns.
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