Team Kani News: October 17-21

Trick or Treat for UNICEF House Competition:  Team Kani Cares!

English/Language Arts News
As we start the 2nd 9 weeks of the school year, ELA will continue studying the genre of Science Fiction. Due to our shortened week with the student holiday on Monday as well as Early Release for Parent-Teacher conferences Wednesday-Friday, students will focus their time in class on reading two short, but very intriguing Sci-Fi texts, and then they will respond to those texts through writing.

Students will also have the opportunity to purchase books at the Book Fair this week when we visit the Media Center for both Book Fair and check-outs on Thursday, Oct. 13th. Parents are welcome to also visit the Book Fair with their child to browse and/or purchase books on Wednesday afternoon/evening.

Please continue to check Parent Portal for updates on your child's progress, and encourage your child to turn in his/her work for all classes on time!  I look forward to another exciting quarter of teaching your child!

Science News
Topics this Week:
Monday - Unit 2 Review
Tuesday - Present Biome & Food Web Projects
Wednesday - Unit 2 Review
Thursday - Unit 2 Test
Friday - Finish Biome & Food Web Project Presentations

Weekly Lessons Link:  Week #11 Science Lessons

Biome & Food Web Project: Due on October 18 (Click Here to View the Instructions)

Notebook Check #2:  Click here to view the Table of Contents
*2nd & 4th Periods = due on Friday, October 21
*6th & 7th Periods = due on Monday, October 24

Needs for Future Labs:
Liquid Hand Soap & Paper Towels (we really need paper towels)

Math News

This week in math, we will continue our study of proportions. Specifically, we will be discussing ratios and unit rates. Students will have to complete 2 hours of Waggle time (see below for more details). In addition to Waggle time, students will be given a paper homework assignment on Tuesday with 4 questions that will be due on Thursday. On Wednesday, we will have our first quiz covering topics we learned last week.

Waggle Update: all students have access to an online resource called Waggle. Students should log-on and complete at least 2 hours of Waggle time each week. I will be monitoring this resource and will assign a homework grade to each student every week based on their Waggle time (2 full hours of Waggle = 100% as a homework grade).
Waggle username: lunchnumber
Waggle password: clarkelunchnumber

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Go Panthers! 

Social Studies News

This week in social studies we will be starting Unit 3 Middle East History.  This is the first time most students have been exposed to this standards and content so it is very important they are completing all assignment and studying at home.  On Friday students will take their first History vocabulary quiz.  The words are linked below.  Using the Middle East coach book and glossary in the ABOUT section of google classroom can be a helpful study resource.  Thank you for your support!

SS7H2 - The student will analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East) leading to the 21st century.

a. Explain how European partitioning in the Middle East after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire led to regional conflict.

b. Explain the historical reasons for the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948; include the Jewish religious connection to the land, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, and Zionism in Europe.
c. Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East.


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