7th Grade News: November 13-17, 2017
It is Mid-Term!
Happy Thanksgiving!
School will not be in session from November 20-24. Please enjoy spending time with your friends and family.
ELA News
Monday: Veteran's Day Letters
Tuesday: Guided Reading
Wednesday: Unit 1 Post Test
Thursday: Guided Reading
Friday: Thanksgiving Reflection Day
***Students have a 30 minute per night reading log.
RL1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL2: Determine a theme and/or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.
L2: Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study.
Science News
Monday: Circulatory System
Tuesday: Circulatory System
Wednesday: Respiratory System
Tuesday: Circulatory System
Wednesday: Respiratory System
Thursday: Respiratory System
Friday: Respiratory System
Food Web & Biome Projects were due on Tuesday, October 17.
Instructions are linked here: Food Web & Biome Project
*Students may still turn these projects in late.
Math News
This week in math we will be beginning Unit 3. Unit 3 focuses on Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities. If all goes as planned, we will wrap Unit 3 up before we leave for Christmas break. Having said this, the next two weeks before Thanksgiving break will be extremely important in terms of building a firm foundation that leads to success during the 2nd nine weeks of school. We will be back on our regular homework schedule - homework assigned on Tuesday and due on Thursday.
Our learning schedule this week:
Monday: Relationship Between Quantities
Tuesday: Reasoning About Contexts With Tape Diagrams (Part 1)
Wednesday: Reasoning About Contexts With Tape Diagrams (Part 2)
Thursday: Reasoning About Equations and Tape Diagrams (Part 1)
Friday: Reasoning About Equations and Tape Diagrams (Part 2)
As always, please feel free to email your child's respective math teacher if you have any questions.
Social Studies News
Students are continuing their study of the Middle East (unit 4). This week, students will be learning about environmental issues and how unequal access to water affects where people live and causes conflict. Students will have a physical map quiz on Friday. November 17.
SS7G6 Explain the impact of environmental issues across Southwest Asia (Middle East).
a. Explain how water pollution and the unequal access to water impacts irrigation and drinking water.
SS7G7 Explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Southwest Asia (Middle East).
a. Describe how the deserts and rivers of Southwest Asia (Middle East) impact trade and affect where people live.
7th Grade Teachers
Language Arts
Mrs. Kaitlin Bevis - bevisk@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Kong Heu - heukong@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Verne Rucker - ruckerv@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Robin Jones - jonesr2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Robin Jones - jonesr2@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Mark Aqui - aquima@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Ashley Destefani - destefania@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Jason Pratt - prattj@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. John Spinks - spinksj@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Tyron Scott - scottt@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. John Spinks - spinksj@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Tyron Scott - scottt@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Maxine Dalton - daltonm@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Audrey Hughes - hughesa@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Audrey Hughes - hughesa@clarke.k12.ga.us
Ms. Cynthia Ellison - ellisonc@clarke.k12.ga.us
Social Studies
Mr. Nick Hussain - hussainn@clarke.k12.ga.us
Mr. Rob Olin - olinr@clarke.k12.ga.us
Coach Jim Page - pagej@clarke.k12.ga.us
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