7th Grade News: April 2-6, 2018

ELA News

Monday, April 2:  Guided Reading (The Giver / The Hobbit) (Milestone Review)
Tuesday, April 3:  Guided Reading (The Giver / The Hobbit) (Milestone Review)
Wed., April 4: 
Guided Reading (The Giver/The Hobbit) (Milestone Review)
Thursday, April 5: Guided Reading (The Giver / The Hobbit) (Milestone Review)
Friday, April 6:  Guided Reading (The Giver / The Hobbit) (Milestone Review)

***Students have a 30 minute per night reading log. 
RL1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
L2: Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study.

Science News

Monday, April 2:  Mimicry 
Tuesday, April 3:  Camouflage
Wednesday, April 4:  Adaptations 
Thursday, April 5:  Natural Selection
Friday, April 6:  Big 10 Quiz #31

Math News
Welcome back from a much needed Spring Break! We are in the 4th quarter. As Ms. Tolbert mentioned, we must all work together to "Finish the Drill" (Go Dawgs). In math, we are halfway through one of our toughest units of study, Unit 5 - Geometry. This week, we will focus our learning on Volume and Surface Area. Most students show success in finding the Volume of figures but struggle with finding the Surface Area of figures. Volume, mathematically, is determined by multiplying the area of the figure's base by the height of the figure (for a rectangular prism, this is represented as length*width*height). Surface Area, mathematically, is found by adding the areas of each face on a specific figure. Students can expect to have a "check-up" on Friday to assess their learning during this week. Our first lesson for this week, shown below as "Filling and Wrapping 1.1" has been linked in the blog for your reference.

Our week will look as follows:
Monday: Filling and Wrapping 1.1
Tuesday: Filling and Wrapping 1.2
Wednesday: Filling and Wrapping 1.3
Thursday: Filling and Wrapping 1.4
Friday: Volume and Surface Area Check-Up

As always, please feel free to email your child's respective math teacher if you have any questions.

Social Studies News

Students are beginning a new unit, studying the origins of modern southern and eastern Asia. They focus on China, North and South Korea, Vietnam, India, and Japan. This week they are learning about China.

Monday, March 19: Chinese Communist Revolution
Tuesday, March 20: Chinese Cultural Revolution
Wednesday, March 21: Chinese Cultural Revolution
Thursday, March 22: China after Mao Zedong
Friday, March 23: Tienanmen Square


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