7th Grade News: April 1-5, 2019
Monday 4/1- Dress Down Day for Binder Checks Students who received 200 or more points on their March binder checks may dress down. Please be sure to follow the HMS dress code policy. If you have any questions about binder checks, please call the school or email your student's teachers. Experience UGA Field Trip -- this week! The 7th grade will be taking a field trip to the Botanical Gardens and UGArden (pronounced "u-garden"). Students will hike in the woods and learn about growing crops and biodiversity. We will eat sack lunches outside. Permission slips were given out and signed during parent teacher conferences, but if you have not signed one for your child yet, please have him or her return it ASAP! We want ALL students to go on this free field trip. Students that do not return the permission form will remain at school in a Milestones Prep Workshop. Not sure which day your student is going of the field trip? Look at this list: Tuesday, April 2 : Homeroom stu...